Warum O2

Deleting esim profile

Hello, I have been trying for a week to install an esim on my Iphone 13. I'm pretty much on my own, as the phone assistance redirects me to the store, and the store in my area send me away everyday with a different excuse (once the system down; once it's impossibile to install an esim from a store; once the colleague that does that on that day is not in; once going 40 minutes before closing is too late to install an esim). Therefore, I have only internet to look for solutions. I have a multicard, the first sim is gone, because after the first attempt I deleted the esim and the physical sim is not working anymore. The second physical sim is working, but I'm not going to mess with that otherwise I will lose my only access to message codes. I tried ordering new replacement esims on the website with the qr code, but the installation never works. My esim profile now shows sim 1 and sim 4 (sim 2 is the physical sim I have with me and sim 3 is nowhere to be found). I have read that my solution is deleting my esim profile completely and start from scratch. Can someone confirm? How do I do that? And also, after I finally scan the qr code I still have to activate the esim on the website, how do I do that?


Edit o2_Sven 24.01.2023/13:57: Verschoben von o2 SIM-Karte: Bestellung&Aktivierung nach English o2 Community: Mobile


Lösung von o2_Sven 24 January 2023, 14:22

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3 Antworten

Hello @Marcian ,

welcome to the o2 Community 💙.

You shouldn’t need to go to the shop to receive an eSIM for your iPhone. You should definitely delete the profile that you replaced your SIM 1 with if that isn’t working at all and start over there. You should be able to just order a new eSIM through “mein o2” directly at that point instead of having to replace one of your existing cards.The profile itself you should be able to delete directly through the settings of your iPhone. Once you are back at the point that you scanned the QR-Code, downloaded and installed it, you should have the option directly on the mein o2 Page where you scanned the code to activate the eSIM, after that you just need to restart your phone once and that is it.


Kind regards, Sven

Thanks for your answer. The problem is that my account in Mein O2 doesn’t allow me to order another sim, as it says I reached the maximum amount of SIM cards allowed for a multi card, and it doesn’t allow me to replace any of the existing cards on my account. On my phone there is no eSIM at the moment, I deleted everything. Things are just stuck in the website. I tried to call again, and the assistance told me to go to the shop, since they cannot delete the cards for me. 

Benutzerebene 7

Hi @Marcian thanks for your reply. 
How many multi cards are you using? Which profile name do you want to get rid of to mage some space for the e-sim available? 


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