Warum O2

bill is. paid , still not updated on app

Hey, I paid my mobile phone bill last month in store , it still showing up on my mobile app as unpaid , could please check ? 


o2_Giulia, 27.03.2024, 18:11: verschoben von Digitales Wohnzimmer zu English O₂ Community: Mobile

4 Antworten

Call 089 78 79 79 456 or


Hello @Raphael 897685 ,

welcome to the o2 Community 💙.

What exactly is shown in the mein o2 App, because the account itself is definitely fine on our end. We received your payment.


Kind regards, Sven

The is saying that your bill of last month is ready , now checked it's written " Bezahlt " 

Hello @Raphael 897685,

I'm glad your question could be clarified.

If you have any further questions, please let us know.

Best wishes and happy Easter holidays 🐰


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