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Warum O2


 Ich habe einige wichtige Fragen, welche Antworten ich brauche.  Diesen Monat sollte meine Handyrechnung 9,99 € betragen, aber warum wurden 22,55 € von meinem Konto abgebucht?  warum????

 Ja, im Oktober habe ich zusätzliche mobile Daten genommen,

 Was ich bereits im November absage.

 Wenn ich zusätzliche Daten zu meiner Nummer gekauft habe, die ich nicht kenne, stornieren Sie diese bitte und nehmen Sie einfach meine regulären monatlichen Kosten

 Ich bin Student, es ist sehr teuer für mich.

 Bitte überprüfen Sie mein Konto und lösen Sie das Problem, und lassen Sie es mich wissen, ich bin sehr angespannt.

 Ich hoffe, ich bekomme bald Antworten und Lösungen von Ihnen.


 Danke im Voraus




I have some important questions,which answers i need. This month my mobile bill should be 9.99.but why they took 22.55€ From my account? why????

Yes in October, i took some additional mobile data,

Which i already cancel at November.

If there any additional data I buyed to my number which I do not know,please cancel those.and just take my regular monthly cost.🙏

I'm student,its very expensive for me.

Please check my account and solve this,and let me know,I am very tense.

Hope I will get answers and solutions from u soon.


Thanks in Advance


Edit by o2_Katja: Moved to our English Community

Edit by o2_Andrea: Titel angepasst


die Speed Option kannst du selbstständig in „Mein o2“ abbestellen unter Tarif & Optionen.



thanks for your ans.yes I already unsubscribe from the speed option myself in “My O2” under Tariff & Options. but they still taking my money,where I do not even using it. I need a solution.where should I call?anyone know the no?

Dear @Liyaa ,

welcome in our o2 Community.

You ordered two Speed options +1 GB and +2 GB on October 3rd and 4th. Both options were deactivated on November 24 th. So you have to pay these options for the whole time you ordered them (10/3 - 11/24 and 10/4 - 11/24).

Kind regards,



Andere thx for ur answer.but i could not understand,if u already said that i deactivate those.

Then why should i have pay for this?

Could u plz,kindly explain me?

And i was waiting here for my answer,then i called English speaking o2 service.

And told them to cut all other extra data which i she said,she fixed that hopefully from this month i have to pay only my regular bill.


Hello @Liyaa,

thank you for your enquiry, we will be happy to explain the procedure!
The options were deactivated as described by Andrea on 24 November. This means that during the period in which the packs were active (from 03.10./04.10. to 24.11.2021), charges for these packs were incurred, which were charged on your invoice.

For your information: sometimes the costs of packs that have already been deactivated can still be seen on the invoice. This is due to the different billing periods. If the billing period ended before 24.11.2021, the remainder will also be charged on the subsequent invoice. It's best to take a look at the exact dates. The date of the billing run is always at the top of your invoice. And in the calculations of the packs, the date from when to when this pack was calculated is always included. :nerd:

I hope that was all understandable!

If anything is still unclear, feel free to contact us again!

Kind regards,
Jessica :sunflower:

Hi  jessica,

Thanks a lot .u have Explain so well.yes,i understand what u said.

But as i understand,but its so should not be like that.coz all data pack i only buy for only 1month.because ii dnt need that any more .and i buy it at January i still paying them!!Its really sad and absurd for me.

I should not buy anything from o2 in future. Because i have a bad experience.😓



Hello @Liyaa,

I am very pleased that my explanations have contributed a little to your understanding. :nerd:

But again to your message:
Yes, it is possible that you will still have a proportionate amount for this on your bill in January. Let's take a look at it together. Why don't you send me the billing period of your current bill? So from when to when is the current invoice valid? You can find the date at the top of your invoice, directly on the first page.
And if you are at your phone number and the corresponding option is listed there, which date is mentioned there? From when to when is this option charged?
Check it out and write us the corresponding data. Then it will certainly become clearer and more understandable for you!

Kind regards
Jessica :sunflower:

Ok see my bill.hope from next mnt it will be fixed.


Dear @Liyaa ,

have you downloaded the invoices and looked at them in detail?

There you can see that the speed options were calculated once from October 3r or 4th to October 24th and then from October 25th to November 23rd. This is the period before they were deactivated.

Kind regards,


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