Warum O2

Router working but can't connect to Internet

My DSL router arrived 4 days ago but it will not connect to the internet, I have been given a ticket number but have not been able to contact technical support. The number I was given is in german and only reads off a list of the contract terms. Please help this is extremely frustrating and I am paying for a service I dont even have access to.


Edit o2_Larissa: transfer to English o2 Community: Broadband / DSL


Lösung von o2_Lars 11 November 2020, 13:24

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2 Antworten

Probably your line has not been activated yet. Have you not received a message for a technical appointment?

The router is sent a few days before activation!

Hello @scardona and welcome to our o2 community :-)

As @Klaus_VoIP already stated there may be some days between the date you recieve the router and the date at which the DSL connection is activated. YOu recieved ths day in our elcome letter you may have recieved via email shortly after ordering the DSL contract.

How does it look like now? Is the DSL connection working now? Or is there still something that we can shed some light on? :-)



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