Warum O2

Power/DSL light blinking and interrupting connection

  • 30 November 2020
  • 5 Antworten
  • 808 Aufrufe


I am deeply angry and desperate since I cannot get hold of any technician or expert who can help me. Everyday, at any time my internet connection gets disrupted and the power/DSL light keeps blinking and it takes some minutes until the connection is again established! 

When I am on my PlayStation, or when I am on a business video conference, I get immediately disconnected and kicked out of the server due to network failure which is getting embarrassing and annoying!!


I am just about to bring a hammer and destroy my O2 Fritzbox!!!! I need technical help and Im tired of waiting hours and hours in the waiting line without any results!!


How can I get hold of an accountable customer service person??




Edit o2_Giulia: verschoben zu English Community: Broadband/DSL

5 Antworten

Benutzerebene 7
Abzeichen +5

@Prinzessin_Nikky what Fritzbox (7490 or 7590) exactly you use? Can you post your dsl line parameters from the Fritzbox please? → Internet/DSL Informationen/DSL.


Hello @Prinzessin_Nikky,


welcome to our o2 community!


As I see, you have already contacted our technical support. According to them, the problem has been solved already. If the problem perstists, please try a power reset first: unplug the power cable (with the router switched on). Wait a few minutes and reconnect. The DSL light will be on for about 10 seconds and then starts blinking. After about one minute it should be on constantly again. Please also check the wiring for loose connections. If it is still not working, please contact our technical support again.


Kind regards



Hallo Guilia,


I have done all the above alreay 5 times, with and without your technical support. The problem still exists!! My internet gets disconnected regularly, I am tired of standing in the waiting line when I call and I am tired of hearing the same process over and over when I insist that it did not work!!!


I will draft a formal complaint before I block the monthly payments!!

Thanks for nothing.

@Joe Doe Hi Joe, its 7490, already rebooted many times, even from the technical center themselves. But since it gets connected they say its solved.

My problem is not the conncetion, its the regular disconnections for a few minutes even.

I have downloaded the app, but it keeps on repeating the reboot suggestion, is that a joke?


Please excuse my furious tone as I kept all my respect for the technicians on the phone, and I am literally out of patience.

Hello @Prinzessin_Nikky and welome to our o2 community :-)

I am sorry zto heat that your DSL connection does not work as it should. I had a look into this. You informed our technical departement in the beginning of the month regadring the disconnects. The connection was stable for at least 48 hours so the ticket was finally closed. UNfurtonately the deiconnects reappeared again but you already openend a econd trouble ticket for this. 

Having a alook at this ticket it is assumed that the reason for the disconnects lies in the Fritzbox so a new one is sent to you. Please also change any cables and power supplies that come with the new router.

I am sure that this will resolve the issue :-)



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