I have a problem with the link they send it to me. This is the link: https://www.o2online.de/priority/vorteile/du-hast-die-wahl-dsl . But I always get an error like this.

I tried also to follow the instructions on this link, but it had not functioned as well:
I had a first contract as a O2 Homespot M über LTE 5G customer and registered myself immediately on your O2 website. However, because of the poor connection, I switched my contract to O2 my Home M DSL.
I registered again as in https://login.o2online.de/ link as a DSL Kunde.
I tried to call the customer service hotline for several times. They said that they already made a report regarding this issue. Its already 2 months now but still no one has ever been able to solve it. They always said that they will provide me an E-mail that will solve the problem. But until now, I never got that email. I always follow up from time to time, but they couldn’t help me. I am very disappointed. Please tell me what went wrong. Just try to be honest to your customer.
Thank you.