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Fiber optic ID, my order is still in an open state

Hello everyone,

My name is Nithin. I recently moved to Germany and applied for O2 Home Internet on November 13. Unfortunately, my order is still in an open state, and I have not received any response from customer care.

Each time I visit Media Markt to inquire about my order, I end up spending €6.50. It has been very frustrating; for instance, when I arrived at 11:00 AM, I was told to return at 2:00 PM because the authorized representative was not available. When I returned at 2:00 PM, the representative still did not show up. I ended up waiting at the O2 counter until 3:30 PM.

Eventually, I became quite frustrated, threw the contract papers on the O2 desk, and signed a new contract with 1&1.


edit o2_Manga: verschoben von o2 Home: Vertrag zu English o2 Community: Broadband & Landline

Edit o2_Kathi 17.12.24 Title adapted for a better overview

Lösung von Joe Doe

@Nithin Reddy Althuru Congratulations. You now have two contracts running for 2 years, unless you have an o2 my Home Flex tariff with no contract term.

Putting papers on the desk and then thinking you can get rid of a contract doesn't work like that in Germany. To make a fiber optic contract is a little tricky here in Germany.

Especially if the fiber optic cable has never been connected. Who is the provider of the fiber optic connection? Telekom? o2 does not connect the connections itself, it only rents them. Like 1&1. They rent too.

And why you must 6,50 Euro everytime you visit the Media Markt?

The o2 contract can only cancel the Media Markt. I don’t think so they will do this.

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2 Antworten

Joe Doe
  • Star
  • 12272 Antworten
  • Lösung
  • 10. Dezember 2024

@Nithin Reddy Althuru Congratulations. You now have two contracts running for 2 years, unless you have an o2 my Home Flex tariff with no contract term.

Putting papers on the desk and then thinking you can get rid of a contract doesn't work like that in Germany. To make a fiber optic contract is a little tricky here in Germany.

Especially if the fiber optic cable has never been connected. Who is the provider of the fiber optic connection? Telekom? o2 does not connect the connections itself, it only rents them. Like 1&1. They rent too.

And why you must 6,50 Euro everytime you visit the Media Markt?

The o2 contract can only cancel the Media Markt. I don’t think so they will do this.

  • Moderatorin
  • 5465 Antworten
  • 17. Dezember 2024

Good morning ​@Nithin Reddy Althuru,
welcome to our community 😀 It's great that you've contacted us here.
So you've signed a new o2 Home contract with us via Media Markt? They charge a fee if you want to inquire about the current status? I've never heard of anything like that and it's definitely not right.

As Joe Doe wrote, ordering a fiber optic connection can take some time.
Please feel free to answer his questions here too.
Unfortunately, you have now taken out your landline contract with another provider.
What about the contract with us, have you received any new information or e-mails from us in the meantime?
Best regards

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