Warum O2

DSL funktionirt nicht

Hallo, ich hoffe Englisch ist in Ordnung.

I have an O2 homebox 6441 router. It has been working fine for 2 years. Today I returned home after 3 weeks away and the router will not connect to DSL. I have checked all the cables and connections and powered the router off/on several times, but without success. It's like my connection has been cut off by O2, but my account has always been paid on time.

Was ist die Lösung?

Edit o2_Lars: Transfered from DSL/Router to English/Broadband

12 Antworten

Moin Moin,

please check the status of the led…


089 78 79 79 40 0 (zum Festnetzpreis)

Rufe diese Service-Rufnummer bitte möglichst von deinem Mobiltelefon aus an, da zur Problembehebung u. U. der Router neu gestartet werden muss und dadurch Anrufe vom Festnetz unterbrochen werden.

Only the Power and WLAN LEDs are on solid.

All other LEDs are off.

The web based-management page on the router only shows that DSL is not connected.

I'm 99% sure it's not a problem with the router or the cabling to the wall socket. Nothing has changed there.

@ O2: Please check the connection at your end.

You have to call the number above!

A admin intros forum could only help with on open ticked.

Ich möchte keine Telefonnummer anrufen.  Ich möchte den Kundensupport per E-Mail oder Chat kontaktieren.

Ich möchte keine Telefonnummer anrufen.  Ich möchte den Kundensupport per E-Mail oder Chat kontaktieren.

Dann wirst du weiterhin mit deinem nicht funktionierenden DSL leben müssen ... eine Störungsmeldung ist ausschließlich, wie oben angegebenen, per Telefon möglich!

Nun, ich habe kein Telefon und möchte kein Telefon kaufen, nur um Unterstützung für meine O2-Internetverbindung zu erhalten.  Wenn O2 mein Geschäft nicht will, kein Problem. Es gibt viele Alternativen.  Danke für nichts.

Wir helfen immer gern.

Man könnte:

  • Bekannten / Freund fragen ob er  er mal mit dem Handy vorbeikommen kann.
  • www.sipgatebasic.de nutzen.
  • Oder kündigen.


Danke für den Tipp.

@ O2 ; Du weißt, dass diese Trolle schlecht für dein Geschäft sind, oder?

Benutzerebene 7
Abzeichen +5

@Dionisius What trolls?  @Sächsin and @schluej are highly respected users of this community.

You really have no smartphone with a German sim card so you or a friend can’t call the o2 Hotline for a ticket?
The workflow for raise a technical at o2 is in the moment a phone call. You can use the app, so you get a pre ticket so you don’t have a long conservation with the hotliner.

Danke für den Tipp.

@ O2 ; Du weißt, dass diese Trolle schlecht für dein Geschäft sind, oder?


Hi @Dionisius :relaxed:


@Joe Doe already asked this, who do you mean? Our forum users just want to help.

In this case the option is to call our technical support to get rid of issues rearding DSL tariffs. Did you already use our o2 my Service App? If there has been a ticket generated we can take a look into the issue, if you want.


Best regards,


For anyone else who might come across this thread, and who doesn't have a German phone, and would like support for their O2 DSL connection:

It turns out you can chat to an O2 support person via WhatsApp.

@ O2: Many thanks to your support person XXXXXXXX who was very professional and extremely helpful. He quickly analysed the problem and booked a technician to visit later this week.

@ O2 Perhaps you should leave future support requests to "highly respected users of the community" who don't give snarky answers to your customers, or who at least are able to give correct information to your customers.


 "der Dumme weiß alles besser - Sokrates" 😂


Edit o2_Bianca: Namen des Mitarbeiters entfernt. Die Nennung von Namen unserer Mitarbeiter ist nicht erwünscht.


Hello @Dionisius,

I am glad to hear that you found a way to raise a ticket for the issue with your DSL connection.

Since the contact via WhatsApp is not available at any given time the suggested contact via phone ist still the best way to get in touch with our technical DSL team so I can see no false answer given to you by our community members.

Please refrain from insulting other community members by calling them “trolls”.  Even if you don’t like the answers the suggested way was still the best solution given the time that you opened this thread here.



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