Warum O2

Wo sie zu finden meine Zugangs PIN?

Nicht ich mein WLAN mit meiner Zugangs-PIN installieren. Wie kann ich wissen, was meinen richtigen PIN?

Sorry about my german, may in english is better: I can't install my router with the 10 digit PIN it was provide me in the welcome letter. How can I have access to my real PIN so I can install my internet? 



21 Antworten

Benutzerebene 7
Password for Wi-Fi is on the back of the o2 Homebox ("WPA2-Schlüssel").

Quick start guide for O2 Homebox 6441:


Thanks a lot, but that's not what they are asking, I have a PIN in my welcome letter, but it doesn't work

Benutzerebene 7
"Doesn't work" means what? Is there an error message? 

Yes I have this messages when I try the PIN in my welcome letter. And just for you to know, the PIN it was provide me has 10 digit

Benutzerebene 7
When was your activation date (o2 letter)?

20 of may, and YES I'm trying to solve this for around 2 months =(

Benutzerebene 7
Have you ever tried the factory reset? Push the reset button of the o2 Homebox for 10 seconds. Wait until the INFO LED is red. Lift the handset of your landline phone connected to the homebox and wait for audio message prompting you to enter the PIN. Enter the 10 digits of your PIN via your phone.

If this doesn't work, there is a problem with the auto configuration profile on the auto configuration server.  Then you have to call customer service at 08005251378. Tell them about the error message.

Thanks a lot,

But I don't have a phone to try this, and the costumer service, I was trying to call them everyday for hours and no one could solve my problem.

Is there a way to reset this and add the PIN without the phone?

Benutzerebene 7
Of course, as described in the quick start manual.

Alternatively, you can also complete the configuration manually by accessing your o2 HomeBox 6441/6741 menu at any time via your browser/Microsoft Internet Explorer at o2.box or You will also find information about this in the manual (also on the CD or on our website).

If the costumer service couldn't solve the problem, it could be a language problem. Maybe you should ask a german speaking friend to make the call for you.

Thanks a lot for helping me,

I have a macbook and can't use the CD, I was trying to do the installation with the browser, and about the costumer service, more than one friend tried to talk with them I even went to a O2 store here in my town and one guy that works there also tried to call them, but we spend around 1 and a half hour in the phone and couldn't solve the problem. 

All I want is the correct PIN just so I can install my internet, because I'm paying for it and not even using, you were so far the person the helped me more in this 2 months.

Benutzerebene 7
You don't need to use the CD-ROM. It's for your convenience if don't want to download the PDF manual.

The PIN is correct.

Yes, I know, even with my low level of german the installation is very easy to understand the only problem is with the PIN, is there a way you can check in the system what is my PIN, maybe I am with the wrong number

Benutzerebene 7
Well, I don't have this impression.

There are no known cases where the letter contained a wrong PIN. If you look into the right letter, you see the correct PIN.

I reset the router and still get the error message using the PIN they provide me in the letter

Benutzerebene 7
As I already mentioned, that means that you have to call customer service to get this fixed (provided this is not an error of your mac software).

Yeah, I know it seams very weird, but that's the only letter O2 sent me. I will again try to contact the costumer service, All I need is that number.

Thanks a lot for the help

Benutzerebene 7
You already have the PIN. If you ask for a new PIN, customer service will not be able to help you. 

I won't ask for a new one, just will ask for them to check in the system if it's the same one.

Hello joanna. I think i have the same problem as you. Could you solve it?

@joanna.chagas‌ and @alb_g - did you manage to solve it? I have the exact same problem now.

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