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too hight bill

W maju przedłużyłem umowę o numer telefonu XXXXXXXXXX, kwota kontraktu 39,99. Moje konto ma jednak 3 numery. Moje + 2 w środku Never mam. Podczas przedłużenia umowy chcę płacić mniejsze rachunki, ale teraz są bardzo wysokie, poprzedni miał ponad 100 lat, obecny ponad 60 lat

Edit o2_Lars: This is a publilc forum, please never publish any personal data!
I think this is the english forum...

So it would be nice to speak /write English if you would like to get help...
Sorry, my phone translate

In May, I extended my contract to my phone number +49 176 .....907, contract amount 39.99. However, my account has 3 numbers. Mine + 2 others I don't have. During the contract extension I wanted to pay smaller bills, but now they are very high, the previous one was over 100e, the current one was over 60e
Hello @Wioleata99

The number -907 was extended on 30.04.2019. In addition, you own an o2 Free S with the number -000 which was also ordered on 30.04.2019. In addition, there is an o2 Free M Boost with the phone number -057 since 13.06.2019. The phone number -361 o2 Free L Boost was extended on 08.07.2019 and on 13.06.2019 a new contract o2 Free S with the phone number -982 was ordered too.

How did you make the extensions, online or in a shop?

If the extensions and the new orders were made in a shop, please contact the accountable shop.

Best regards


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