Warum O2

bitte mir jemand helfen. O2 Online-Sites nicht fragen DATA AUSWEINS

Benutzerebene 1
bitte mir jemand helfen. O2 Online-Sites nicht fragen DATA AUSWEINS


Lösung von Klaus_VoIP 7 December 2015, 22:18

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4 Antworten

Seems to be a bad Google translation or swahili or what? 😉

Try it in english. Our bad english is better then a internet translator.

Benutzerebene 1
I want to make a new contract on o2. PAGE o2 online does not require card details identities but only surname and name while the data path does not require identities.

Benutzerebene 1
it does not require the data card or passport identities. I do not know why.

Found your problem in this thread


Multiple threads are not allowed in forums like this O2 forum. Therefore I close here.

Feel free to continue the other thread in english