Warum O2

English Help needed - Internet Pack M

Please excuse my using English on this forum.

I just moved to Germany from the UK and am trying to set up my iPhone for use with O2-de. I have everything set up with my new O2-de prepaid account and am able to use the internet, but want to make sure I am on the "Internet-Pack-M" rate plan for unlimited monthly use for 10 Euro.

If someone could help me with what I have to do (send SMS message, go to store, etc.) to set this up it would be appreciated. It is hard for me to navigate the German website.

Thank you!

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4 Antworten


my name is Marvin and i will help you. At first: I´m sorry because my english is not so good , but i hope you can understand me ;-)

Now i come to your question:

you have some options.

a) you go to an o2 Store and ask the o2 Supporter
b) you call the Hotline ( the call is for free with your o2 Germany card)
-> Number: 0179-55 28 2 ****

****If you book the Internet Pack M via the hotline you must pay 5€ service charge.

How do you booked the Internet Pack M?
If you booked the pack than you get a Message from o2 that the Internet Pack M is active.

If you don´t book the Internet pack M, you can book it via this way:

Send an SMS to Number: 5667 with following text: start INTERNETM

After this SMS you get a Message from o2 and you must accept this SMS with the following text: ja INTERNETM

b. r.
Terry I think , the best way fore you is to call the Hotline. They speak english there and they can help you.
Regards Tina
Hat er nun das Pack M schon und will überprüfen ob er auch wirklich mit der Flat und nicht volumen/zeitbasiert surft oder will er das Pack M erst buchen?

Also für mich hört sich folgender Part so an, als ob er schon das Pack M gebucht hat:

and am able to use the internet, but want to make sure I am on the "Internet-Pack-M" rate plan for unlimited monthly use for 10 Euro

Und dann könnte er es ja auch im Account überprüfen?! Oder geht das bei Prepaid nicht?
Er hat das Paket noch nicht.
Gruß Tina