Warum O2

Additional costs charged in the bill

  • 18 June 2019
  • 1 Antwort
  • 80 Aufrufe

I've just seen my first bill and appeared the following extra charges:

Einmalgebühren Anschlusspreis Option HomeBox 2 42,0084
Einmaliger Anschlusspreis O2 DSL 42,0084
Versandkosten - 8,3949

I signed up one month ago and there is a discount 100% Rabatt auf Anschlusspreis DSL-Router of 42,0084.

However the other value of 42,0084 as well as the 8,3949 are still there and I don't know why. These extra costs do not appear in my contract as well, so why am I being charged?

Lösung von o2_Jan 19 June 2019, 11:52

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1 Antwort

Hi @ricardo86,

welcome to the o2 community!

Since your inquiry is already being taken care of in the other thread, I will close this one to avoid any confusion or miscommunication.

Best regards,