Warum O2

Fax number for handy contract cancellation


My handy contract ends at the end of October. I therefore would like to cancel my contract giving the required 3 months notice. I have prepared the following fax:


Ich möchte mein handy-vertrag zum nächstmöglichen Termin fristgerecht kündigen

Name: --------------------------------------
Handy nummer: --------------------------------------
Kundennummer: --------------------------------------
Adresse: --------------------------------------

Bestätigen Sie bitte den Eingang dieses fax



Is this acceptable, or is there a special form I must fill out? I am specifically giving 3 months notice of my contract so I avoid extra fees!

Can you please advise me of the required fax number to send this letter to?



6 Antworten

@o2_Nicolas‌ Are you able to check this? I am ready to save the fax, I just await your confirmation if there is a specific form or not ... also the fax number ☺️

If I fax, how do I see confirmation that my request to cancel was accepted?

Hello @alex98uk,

looks perfect from what I can tell. Just let me know when you sent the fax and I will check it for you personally. Confirmations may take some time.

Kind regards,


Hi @o2_Nicolas

My fax didn't work, so I sent a letter. Today I received a confirmation via SMS from O2.

Sehr geehrter Herr xxx,

die Kündigung Ihres Mobilfunkvertrages mit der Nummer xxx haben wir erhalten. Die Bearbeitung und die schriftliche Bestätigung können etwas Zeit in Anspruch nehmen. Wir bitten Sie deshalb noch um etwas Geduld. Sie müssen nichts weiter unternehmen. Wir melden uns bei Ihnen, sobald Ihre Kündigung vollständig bearbeitet ist.

Ihr o2 Team

I also received a call today from: +4917688854824, which I believe is o2? As soon as they realised I couldn't converse in German, they hung up. Can you check what the situation is and if they require more info?

I will PM you my details.



Ah, I cannot PM you without your follow!

Hello @o2_Nicolas

I received again another call today from: +4917688854824. Straight away they hung up again. Is this the o2 support team?

Can you check where the process of cancellation is at? I cannot send you my kundennummer as you must follow me ☺️

My apologies, I am following your account now, you should be able to send the message now 😉

Kind regards, Nico

o2 Free - Freedom is limitless

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