Warum O2

Help with releasing my prepaid number

I would like to have my prepaid number released, as I want to port my number to another provider. Can someone please help me with releasing my number?

Thanks in advance

Kind regards,

Edit o2 Antje: Moved from Prepaid to English Community / 07.05.2024 


Lösung von Bumer 7 May 2024, 21:44

Zur Antwort springen

8 Antworten

Benutzerebene 7

Good evening @Avnish_07,

This article will help you to port your number to another provider.

If you have any further questions, you can contact us here in the forum at any time.

Best regards,


Good evening Rhobar,
I have visited that website but am not able to find the option “Vertrag verwalten” on mein O2, My contract is still running. Can you help me with this?


Thank you!

Kind Regards, Avnish

contact the prepaid chat.

o2 Prepaid-Chat


I believe I am in the Prepaid Chat, Burner.

Thanks for the suggestion though!

Starting tomorrow, log into your prepaid account with your phone number and then click the link.

Hello @Avnish_07

have you already followed Bumer's advice and contacted the chat? If so, did everything work out with the phone number release?🙂

Best regards

Hello @o2_Cora,
Yes, I did follow their advice and everything worked out with the phone number release. Thank you for checking!
Kind regards

Hey @Avnish_07,

Great that it worked out :) Good luck for the future!


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