Warum O2

Unknown contract from O2



I have been sent 2 new contracts from O2 Online without any consent or information, both at once.

why is this happening and how can I get rid of this?


Thanks for the support.

Edit by o2_Steffen: Beitrag verschoben von o2 Mobilfunk: Vertrag & Tarife zu English o2 Community: Mobile 02.05.2024/18:45

7 Antworten

revoke to: widerruf@cc.o2online.de

Benutzerebene 7
Abzeichen +5

@A2490 Did you click on a link sending to you over sms?

If you answered @Joe Doe question with yes pleas read:


// quick Translation for the first link //

Hi, since it keeps happening that

myO2 customer accounts are hacked,

I started this to-do list a while ago. Please add more tips and feel free to link.😉

If you are affected,

please make sure to open your own post,

so that your concern does not go unnoticed. To-do list for hacked accounts

  1. take screenshots of all unwanted changes
  2. change your login details for myO2 / O2App
  3. check your email address and contact details
  4. call the O2 hotline 089 78 79 79 400 and inform them
  5. if a hardware shipment can no longer be stopped, see if you can request a return from DHL or if a redirection to a branch is possible.
  6. Filing a report -> Online criminal complaint https://online-strafanzeige.de/
  7. Please dispute the contract in writing so that you have something in writing. I would do this by registered mail. https://www.o2online.de/assets/blobs/pdfs/identitaetsmissbrauch/
  8. And change your personal customer number PKK.https://o2online.de/assets/blobs/pdfs/pkk-aendern-postpaid, possibly also possible via the hotline
  9. Reset all passwords, including those for your email accounts, online banking, etc. and check stored addresses, email contacts to see if there are any changes there.
  10. Use the Identity Leak Checker (https://sec.hpi.de/ilc/) by entering the email address you can also check whether other data has been lost.
  11. Please inform O2 of the police file number.
  12. Please ask O2 customer service to set up a reminder block until all questions about the orders have been clarified.



You can also send information to O2 and upload files/screenshots using the contact form. https://www.o2online.de/service/kontaktformular/

Good luck and little trouble

Welcome to the community @A2490. 💙

I just checked the system and saw your revocation of the two contracts.

Both contracts will be deactivated tomorrow.

As Joe Doe already asked, did you click on a phishing-Mail via sms maybe?

Best regards and many thanks for the quick support Joe Doe & Bumer.



@A2490 Did you click on a link sending to you over sms?

Unfortunately not and that is why I am very lost as to what is going on here.


Welcome to the community @A2490. 💙

I just checked the system and saw your revocation of the two contracts.

Both contracts will be deactivated tomorrow.

As Joe Doe already asked, did you click on a phishing-Mail via sms maybe?

Best regards and many thanks for the quick support Joe Doe & Bumer.





Can you please confirm when do I get this confirmation also over email,  I have not confirmed anything over email or sms.

Also, I want to know what can be done so that no further contracts are enabled for my account, after this experience, I do not wish to continue for any other new contracts at all with O2, it feels very unsafe being here.


@A2490 I just checked the system again for you and your two revoked contracts were deactivated today.

You should have also received an SMS and email from us about this today.

Since I don't know exactly how these contracts came about, I would also play it safe and go through the two contributions:

Best regards


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