Warum O2

Wrong address for SIM delivery

  • 24 February 2023
  • 1 Antwort
  • 21 Aufrufe



I requested a sim online to an address and I'm moving away.

Is there anyway of changing the address to my order?


Thank you

1 Antwort

Hi @Fab23,

welcome to our community. 😊

If you’re already a registered user for the “Mein o2” (my o2) area (www.o2online.de), you can change your adress online via our website or Mein o2 app. Due to security reasons a new sim card can only ordered online when the contact address exist at least for two weeks. If you’re the contract owner it is possible to get a new sim card (ID needed) in one of our o2 shops.


Best regards,


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