Looking for solution on below.
I currently have the O2 my prepaid S
I tried to recharge my sim online Issue 1 was bank transfer I followed the procedure sent message on 56656 and received bank account details of Telefonica . I transferred 15 eur on the bank account.
Now the problem is 15 eur is not reflecting on my O2 it is deducted from my bank account already
Issue 2 - a direct debit of 10 eur was carried out on my bank account of 10 eur. This is not reflecting on my O2 account too
Now I am short by 25 eur and no balance on my O2 account. Please provide solution for this as customer care could not provide any solution.
Zum Aufladen Ihres Prepaid Guthabens überweisen Sie bitte mit Verwendungszweck 0176-xxxxxxxxxx an Telefonica Germany, IBAN: DE73 7002 0270 0005 7169 77, BIC: HYVEDEMMXXX.
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