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Warum O2

In Dec 2021, I signed a 2 year phone contract with O2, with switzerland being included in my 20G monthly data plan. However, I found out CH is not longer in my plan from recent visit to Switzerland. I've officially asked to cancel my contract because I'm not getting the same service but still get charged the same rate. However, O2 refused to cancel my 5 month remaining contract. I don't understand how you can simply provide less serive with the same price and not letting customer opting out of the contact. This is a real trust breaking action. I'll never let any of my friends or family near O2 in the future. You can make money for 5 months but will lose long term. 


Edit o2_Jennifer 22.07.23 / 09:16 → verschoben von o2 Mobilfunk zu English o2 Community: Mobile

Switzerland is not part of the EU. Billing is done in WZ 2.

Therefore, I recommend changing the roaming option to trvel day pack 2018.

In Switzerland you only pay EUR 1,99 for 50 MB of Data.

In 2021 there was no package with roaming in Switzerland included. Only those countries in Zone 1 are covered by your inclusive data (EU Roaming) and Switzerland is in Zone 2.

Hello @Emma611,

What is the name of the roaming option that was and is active for you?

Best regards

As bs0 described it's how CH was changed from zone 1 to zone 2.  Regardless how they catergorize countries, the service a customer gets is less and I continue to pay the same price. Isn't that a change of contract terms? And I can't use that to cancel the contract? It's probably not worth fighting this with O2 with only 5 months remaining but I don't think this is the right thing to do. 

Hello @Emma611,

No, it was already in WZ 2, so please answer my question from above. Thanks.

Best regards

Hi Vilureef

As I said, CH was part of zone 1 when I signed up the contract. I have not signed up for any roaming options. When in CH in Q4 last year, I still got this message saying roaming in CH cost the same as inland. But it now has changed. 

Hello @Emma611,

Since you're avoiding my questions, I'm out of here. All the best.

Best regards

CH was never in Zone 1. All contracts have a roaming option, otherwise you wouldn't be able to use your phone abroad at all. Check your contract in the customer portal or the app.

Even if the zone allocation had been changed, it would not be a change of contract terms as roaming prices are not fixed in the contract (with the exception of EU regulated prices for EU countries).

Thanks for all the answers. I will not spend more time on this topic. Appeciate everyone’s efforts. 

Facts are I wasn’t charged anything more than my normal monthly fee for the many trips I was in Switzerland in 2022. I even got SMS messages saying roaming in CH cost the same as inland. But suddently now it’s not the case anymore.

I did log into my O2 and didn’t see any extra roaming package under my contract. Or Maybe I looked at the wrong place. It shouldn’t take a customer this much time to figure things out….Def leaving O2 at the end of the contract. 

Hello @Emma611 ,

welcome to the o2 Community 💙.

Your contracts are running Roaming Basic Pay Go (2018) options and have had theye roaming packs since the start, these do no include the WZ2 and as such Switzerland. So usage there should have come with additional fees.

If you are often crossing over the border to Switzerland, then maybe a change to the new o2 Mobile contracts and their Roaming Plus Options that do include the WZ2 might be a good idea.


Kind regards, Sven

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