Warum O2

Cancellation of Partial Numbers on the contract

Hello Team O2, 


I friend has taken a 24 Months contract in 2021 October which ends only in 2023 October. Along with his contract he has two additional numbers of his friends. So he is the main contract person and 2 additional friends. One of his friend has left Germany for good and will never come back. He has deregistered from the city and gone back. For the last 6 months my friend has been paying for the sim card. He would really like to know if there is any possibility to remove that number from the contract and continue. He has been paying for the number which is currently not being used. When he tried to contact the Local O2 store, they told him that he needs to terminate all the numbers including his own because he is the main contract person 



Person A - Main Contract Person 

Person B & C - Add On numbers. 

Person C is not anymore in Germany and has also deregistered from the city

Can the number of the person C be removed and can the Person A continue the contract with just having Person B as the add on number

edit o2_Solveig 23.01.2023, 20:35 Uhr moved from o2 Mobilfunkvertrag → English o2 Community: Mobile 


Lösung von o2_Sven 24 January 2023, 11:27

Zur Antwort springen

3 Antworten

Person A kann den Vertrag, den Person C genutzt hat, regulär zum Vertragsende kündigen.

Auch wenn dieser nicht genutzt wird, hat Person A einen Vertrag abgeschlossen, der einzuhalten ist.

Benutzerebene 7
Abzeichen +7

This is one reason why it is never a good idea to take out a contract for another person. Hopefully person C is still reimbursing person A for his contract each month. Person A should terminate the no longer needed contract ordinarily so that it will end in October.

Hello @antani ,

as has already been said by Sächsin and bs0, your friend can cancel the contract that Person C was using and it will then end in October this year. You can try to ask for a cancellation to the next date possible, but that would be entirely based on good will as there is no actual basis to end the contract since Person A is the one that signed it and not Person C.


Kind regards, Sven

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