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Warum O2

hi there, i am new in germany, moved here recently, struggling to understand how it all works, DSL here uses PPPoE but i can’t use my Ubiquiti hardware? are there specific routers/ modems only paired with the certain provider and are hardware blocked/ restricted? or is there another requirement of a modem or router to be able to login? will i not be able to use PPPoE login via my ubiquiti hardware?

thanks for any help and shedding some light on my situation and frustration with O2 DSL.

PS: i tried Fritzbox 7590, it works login successful. tried a TP-LINK Archer VR2100V, no go, unsuccessful.


Easy is to use a FRITZ!Box 75x0. Inexpensive is a 7520 from eBay.

hi ​@schluej  thank you for your quick reply, just use a fritzbox in front of the Ubiquiti hardware? and connect the rest behind the fritzbox? 
so requirement is the VDSL modem with super vectoring? any router with modem or just a modem will do yes?

You can find the interface description here:

You may use all devices that correspond to the interface description.  The customer is responsible for selecting, configuring and commissioning their own hardware. For customers who cannot do this, o2 offers Fritzbox for rent. Beyond this, there is no entitlement to support from o2.
Please note that only a single PPPoE dial-in is possible. This means that PPPoE passthrough is generally not possible.

As you already failed to configure the TP-Link, I would recommend to use a Fritzbox. 


thanks for your post. you response is partially helpful but lacks clarity and detailed guidance for someone like myself new to Germany's DSL setup. 

my concerns were:

  1. why can't I use my Ubiquiti hardware with O2 DSL?

  2. Are certain routers/modems restricted or blocked by O2?

  3. Is there a specific requirement for logging in via PPPoE?

  4. I mention that the Fritzbox 7590 works, but the TP-Link Archer VR2100V does not, which raises a valid question about compatibility and PPPoE configurations.

  5. I am new to Germany and unfamiliar with the technical setup, so I am asking for guidance to shed light on why I am facing issues with my hardware.

your reply/ and what I took from it:

  • interface description link:
    • you provided a link to the interface description for the DSL service, which outlines the technical specifications and requirements for compatible devices. This could be useful for someone with advanced technical knowledge to verify compatibility.
  • single PPPoE Dial-In: you clarified that only one PPPoE dial-in is allowed, meaning I cannot use PPPoE passthrough or multiple PPPoE connections simultaneously. this explains why certain configurations may fail.

unclear/ unhelpful:

  • lack of specific help/guidance:
    • your response does not directly address why my Ubiquiti hardware or the TP-Link Archer VR2100V is not working. This left the responsibility of troubleshooting entirely to myself, which is unhelpful since I am unfamiliar with the technical requirements.
  • no hardware block confirmation:
    • no confirmation whether O2 restricts specific hardware models, which was one of my primary questions.
  • generic information:
    • the suggestion to rent a Fritzbox is generic and doesn't explain why my chosen hardware fails or how to resolve it.

to summarize, this clearly means, I need to go with Telekom, since calling them and speaking to a non native English speaker, drastically helped me decide to change and go with Telekom services, their answers were clear, helpful and even to the point of technician offering to help/ telling me how to set it up step by step.

  1. No DSL Modem.
  2. You could try any router that meets the requirements from the
  3. See interface description (see above). 
  4. Search for Archer VR2100V with the search Funktion in the forum.
    I think the configuration needs more knowledge than a FRITZ!Box.
  5. Use the FRITZ!Box as DSL/Modem router. Set the Ubiquiti As exposed host and be happy.

If you use your own modem / router than you have to solve the connection problem by your self.

You have to set up the VCI/VPI, VLAN, Encapsulation etc. 

For some modem, router you could search in the forum. Some Modem/router are not working, why ever.

The FRITZ!Box is a out of the box solution. And you don’t have to rent a FRITZ!Box from O2.

If you like to use the Ubiquiti i would use a 7520 from O2. The 7590 is a little bit over performing.

thank you 🙏@schluej 👊 i got a 7520 from ebay, will try that! appreciate your help!

Some help for setup


Hello ​@rocafella1978,
i just wanted to ask if you have been able to clarify your issue using the tips here or if we can still help you. Please let me know if you still need support. 🤗
Kind regards, Bianca

@o2_Bianca thanks for your follow up/ and offering help, frankly it was not difficult after ​@schluej wrote his comments and helped out, but after everything, it was easier through Telekom, their technician helped immensely and setup was a breeze at my new place while the technician was there, so unfortunately after everything i tried through O2, i switched to Telekom, there i still had actual human interaction and pro active help. unfortunately O2 was horrendous experience, trying to even get to someone competent via phone...everything is pushed to app or their standard helping/ support procedures, without even trying to make way to help/ no effort. in this regard, Telekom really is lightyears ahead.

but before i switched, i did get everything to work, but O2 quality of connection/ bandwidth was fluctuating too much/ inconsistent connectivity, didn’t impress, and lack of support = why/ or another reason I switched.

Hello ​@rocafella1978,
thank you for your feedback. I am very sorry that we were not able to convince you with our service and that you have switched to another provider. You can contact us at any time if you have any further questions.🙂
Kind regards, Bianca

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