Dear O2 Team,
I have permanently moved away from Germany since 2017.11.17 and sent documents (including signed cancellation request letter, copy of deregistration certificate of German residence, acopy one-way flight ticket and copy of O2 contract), via both Fax and Post on 2017.11.16 for immediate cancellation of O2 contract. However,I got an email from O2 this January, notifying unsuccessful deregistration and the contract will last till August 2019.
The orginal email is as follows:
Sehr geehrter Herr Lin,
schade, dass Sie Ihren o2 Mobilfunkvertrag nicht länger nutzen möchten. Wir bedauern Ihre Entscheidung sehr und bestätigen Ihnen hiermit die Kündigung Ihres Mobilfunkvertrages mit der Rufnummer: 49176xxxxxx73 zum 08.12.2019.
Anfallende Verbindungskosten sowie die anteilige monatliche Grundgebühr werden Ihnen tagesgenau bis zu diesem Stichtag in Rechnung gestellt.
Vielen Dank für Ihr Vertrauen.
Ihr o2 Team
Right now, although I moved out of Germany for 3 month already, I still get monthly bill from your company. Since I have no chance to use your service anymore, I would like to cancel the contract as soon as possible. Please help me to deal with issue. Many thanks and look forward to your reply!
Kind Regards,
si]Edit o2_Jessica: Deleted the phone number. Data privacy.
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Hello xilin,
you have not mentioned your phone number in your account, and I have deleted immediately in your written text because it is a public forum, and everyone can read what you're writing here.
So, now I can not check about the status of your cancellation.
Please put the phone number in your account so that I can have a look at it. But please do not write it as an answer here, because it is open for everyone.
Kind regards,
you have not mentioned your phone number in your account, and I have deleted immediately in your written text because it is a public forum, and everyone can read what you're writing here.
So, now I can not check about the status of your cancellation.
Please put the phone number in your account so that I can have a look at it. But please do not write it as an answer here, because it is open for everyone.
Kind regards,
Dear Jessica, @o2_Jessica
Great to hear from you!
I have just added my phone number in my profile. Can you see it? I am still receiving every month around 20 euro phone bill from O2. Please help me to clarify the situation and cancle the contract as soon as possible. Many thanks!
Best Regards,
Great to hear from you!
I have just added my phone number in my profile. Can you see it? I am still receiving every month around 20 euro phone bill from O2. Please help me to clarify the situation and cancle the contract as soon as possible. Many thanks!
Best Regards,
Hello @xilin ,
thank you, I have now checked your concern.
At the 18th of December 2017 you got an email from the customer supporter who work on the cancellations because of moving abroad. They used the normal email address which is saved in your data.
Just fill out the form and hand in the other documents that are asked for. Otherwise it will not be possible to cancel your contract in advance.
Kind regards,
thank you, I have now checked your concern.
At the 18th of December 2017 you got an email from the customer supporter who work on the cancellations because of moving abroad. They used the normal email address which is saved in your data.
(...)They are asking for the following documents as mentioned in the form which you can use ( ):
Wenn Sie dauerhaft ins Ausland umziehen, kommen wir Ihnen natürlich gerne entgegen und beenden Ihren Vertrag vorzeitig. Dazu benötigen wir noch Kopien der folgenden Dokumente:
- die Anmeldebescheinigung für Ihren neuen Wohnsitz im Ausland
- alternativ zur Anmeldebescheinigung eine Bestätigung Ihres Arbeitgebers bzw. Vermieters
- Ihr Einverständnis zur Inrechnungstellung der Grundgebühr von 3 Monaten (gesamt 29,97 EUR)
Füllen Sie ganz einfach das Dokument aus und senden Sie es unterschrieben zusammen mit den Nachweiskopien an unsere Adresse:
Telefónica Germany GmbH & Co. OHG
90345 Nürnberg
Just fill out the form and hand in the other documents that are asked for. Otherwise it will not be possible to cancel your contract in advance.
Kind regards,
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