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Warum O2 Service

DSL not working

I don't have internet since last Monday. The Power and WLAN lights are green and working but the DSL one is off. What can I do ? I've tried turning it on and off and I've checked the but it just says that I have no connexion. Please help. thanks

2 Antworten

  • 45 Antworten
  • 23. Mai 2019
Internet did work till sunday? Please disconnect your modem from power and phone supply, wait for 5 minutes, and reconnect everything. If this doesn't help, you could try the o2 app and/or you need to call DSL support (0800 52 51 37 8 ) for further investigation.

  • 11076 Antworten
  • 28. Mai 2019
Hi @agataortuno,

your problem got solved already?

KR Manga

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