Warum O2

o2 bills

Hello Al,

I am xxxxxx xxxxx xxxxx, using 0176xxxxxx03 number..Last 3 months i paid my phone bill in total 6 times but i was supposed to pay only 3 times. o2 has taken 3 times extra from my different bank account number.... my actual bank account number is DExxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx and every month o2 is charging money from this account but suddenly, last for 3 months o2 is charging phone bill also from my another bank account number DExxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx... i don't know why???... and i cancelled surf upgrade L service from my o2 blue basic package but still o2 is charging me though i have been confirmed by sms that my extra surf upgarde L service is already cancelled. Now, i am being charged for my o2 blue basic package from two different accounts at a time...please help me  from this problem......o2 is sending my phone bill in the name of xxxxxxx xxxx and o2 is charging him, literally, o2 is sending me phone bill and charging amount from  my bank account also......please stop this dual charging and make my bill correct by removing the surf upgrade L service charges as i cancelled it for long time........

Thank you

xxxxxx xxxxx xxxxx

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Lösung von o2_Jessica 6 July 2016, 17:41

Zur Antwort springen

2 Antworten

Benutzerebene 1
Very nice to write all your personal informations in an official forum...

Benutzerebene 7
Hello Tahitul,

I've already written you here: https://.

Kind regards,

Jessica ☺️

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