Warum O2

Dsl problem, bad technician, English please..

Hello, one and a half month ago, me and my girlfriend made a contract with o2 for the home dsl, most precisely the dsl young.

We waited so long only for the technician to come, and then, he checked VERY BADLY the phone line and told us that the building has no phone cables.

This guy made a terrible work, because it's a 5 floor building and even my  neighbor at the door next to me has internet(with O2).

Now we are waiting and no one is calling as we were told, and we badly need internet for studying/working.

I'm asking for a good technician and they are saying that the other technician made a statement saying that there is a damage in the building, and that's FALSE.

I even checked the cables in my house and THERE IS signal.

We can't wait more and I think I'm going to block the contract next week.

I'm writing here because my girlfriend speaks a good german but no one is helping here in the support line, because of the statement the old lazy technician made.

Please help me.

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