Warum O2

DNS server is not responding


I am using O2 6431 router and windows 10 OS in the laptop. Before I was having windows 8.

For more than year, I am having problem with the connection between the laptop and the router. The connection between the router and other devices like mobiles, ipads are going fine.

Everyday as soon as I switch on the laptop, I used to get a symbol showing "Limited internet connection".

If I do the Troubleshoot problems, I used to get the error message "DNS server is not responding".

Everytime either I need to restart the laptop 2 to 3 times or need to restart the modem.

I follow this procedure since months/years.

I had also informed this with the O2 support team. They told some trouble shoot methods but none of them helped out.

I tried by using alternate DNS servers also (eg.

One of my friend told there could be some problem with my wireless card on the laptop. So I bought one externet USB wireless receiver also. But even that didnt solve this problem and I get this limited internet connection problem every now and then.

Can anyhow give me some suggestions to solve this

4 Antworten

Benutzerebene 7
Hi balakris.p,

as all other devices work without this error, it seems that the problem is not the router, but on the PC. 

I also had the idea of a defect of your Wi-Fi card, or outdated hardware drivers.

Because we can exclude this also, I would suggest a reset or a reinstallation of your Windows OS.



Hi Christian

thanks for your reply.

As I had mentioned, I had this problem for years since I start to use windows 8 and now in windows 10. So just a reset of windows OS is not going to solve this issue I suppose.

Also I had doubt that there could be some incombatibility between  wi fi card in the laptop and the router.

For this reason only I bought  an external usb  wifi adapter.

Even after connecting through it, my connection to the laptop goes off suddenly saying limited internet connection.

Benutzerebene 7
Have you performed an update from Windows 8 to Windows 10 or completely reinstalled Windows 10?

During an update you could pick up the error, so that a new installation would be quite useful. 

Do you usually shutdown your PC completely, or only in sleep mode?



Thanks for your reply Christian,

I have performed the update from windows 8 to windows 10. But like I had mentioned earlier, this problem of limited internet connection (DSL server is not responding) was also there when I used the windows 8 OS.

I usually shut down the PC completely.

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