Warum O2

Calls from unknown number


I got a call from an unknown number yesterday. Number starting with 00 90 (051). I did not answer the call. I got another call today morning from the same number, and I did not pick up the call. About three and a half hours later, i got another call from the same number, but this time with Germany code. I did not realise it was the same number with Germany code, and I picked up the call. However, there was no answer and the call got disconnected in 3 seconds. I read online that such calls are a spam and they try to clone the sim details and misuse the sim under your name. I have attached the screenshot of my call log. Please look into this matter.




Lösung von o2_Jessica 15 September 2016, 13:13

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4 Antworten

The spammers want you to call them back. It would be very expensive for you.


Thank you for your response.

Is there any way i could block such callers? I tried blocking this number but again today i recieved a call from the same number

For these purposes I have installed "Calls Blacklist" from Vlad Lee (Google Play Store). there are several Apps which block unwanted or also anonymous calls.

Benutzerebene 7
Hello praveenashok,

as I see you have an iPhone.

So, I also checked the internet for information how to block numbers/ contacts.

Here you have the explanation from the official apple webpage:

Block phone numbers and contacts or filter messages on your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch - Apple Support

Kind regards,

Jessica ☺️

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