I've decided to file a legal complain against o2 for the issue with my account. (upgraded my DSL, was supposed to be done on 9th April and its still not working today.)
Went to the store 3 times and called the customer service hotline where they hung up on me 7 times. (I dont speak german and tried to communicate with them via google translate). When my friend helped contacted them, they were extremely rude and claimed that the issue lies with Telekom (total rubbish, my o2 account clearly states that the line is not activated).
i) DSL and Info lights on router are NOT on.
ii) Already did a hard reset twice. (it even changed my SSID back to the original o2 ssid).
I'm filing a complain with the ECC and another legal service team to claim for damage (calls made, travelling to the o2 store, failed an assingment for my masters because I couldnt submit my paper on time due to the internet).
I'm unable to find O2's email address for the legal team to email them a copy of my complain. On the internet, the only email address I could find was contract-contact-contact , this was from a forum back in 2013. Does anyone know if its still valid?
Jivesh K
Account number: DE 1xxxxx28
Order number: 3012925754
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Moin Moin Jivesh1,
sorry i have removed you Photo with the Personal data of you.
I please a Moderator to get in contact with you.
sorry i have removed you Photo with the Personal data of you.
I please a Moderator to get in contact with you.
hi, thank you for that, I didnt realize it had my address on it. Hopefully a moderator replies soon.
I just spoke to your customer service hotline and again, a really unhelpful guy kept saying it has to do with telekom etc.
He then offered to give me a free 6gb usb dongle which i said NO. I told him no thanks and that 6 gb would barely last me 2 days. However, less than 5 minutes after the conversation ended, I received an email billing me for 34.98 euros for o2 blue Data l Flex.
I did NOT agree to this bullshit and I'm not paying a single cent. I'll be contacting a lawyer first thing tomorrow to file a case for fraud and inform my bank that this charge will not be applicable. Any device that you sent will not be opened and will be left outside the house at YOUR risk and responsibility.
Ich habe gerade mit Ihrer Kundenservice-Hotline gesprochen und wieder sagte ein wirklich nicht hilfsbereiter Typ, dass es mit der Telekom zu tun hat usw.
Er bot an, mir einen kostenlosen 6 GB USB Dongle zu geben, den ich NEIN sagte. Ich sagte ihm keinen Dank und das 6 GB würde mich kaum 2 Tage dauern. Jedoch, weniger als 5 Minuten nachdem das Gespräch endete, erhielt ich eine E-Mail, die mir 34,98 Euro für o2 blue Data l Flex in Rechnung stellte.
Ich stimme diesem Scheiß NICHT zu und zahle keinen einzigen Cent. Ich werde morgen als erstes einen Anwalt kontaktieren, um einen Betrugsfall zu melden, und meine Bank darüber informieren, dass diese Gebühr nicht erhoben wird. Jedes von Ihnen gesendete Gerät wird nicht geöffnet und wird auf Ihr Risiko und Ihre Verantwortung außerhalb des Hauses gelassen.
He then offered to give me a free 6gb usb dongle which i said NO. I told him no thanks and that 6 gb would barely last me 2 days. However, less than 5 minutes after the conversation ended, I received an email billing me for 34.98 euros for o2 blue Data l Flex.
I did NOT agree to this bullshit and I'm not paying a single cent. I'll be contacting a lawyer first thing tomorrow to file a case for fraud and inform my bank that this charge will not be applicable. Any device that you sent will not be opened and will be left outside the house at YOUR risk and responsibility.
Ich habe gerade mit Ihrer Kundenservice-Hotline gesprochen und wieder sagte ein wirklich nicht hilfsbereiter Typ, dass es mit der Telekom zu tun hat usw.
Er bot an, mir einen kostenlosen 6 GB USB Dongle zu geben, den ich NEIN sagte. Ich sagte ihm keinen Dank und das 6 GB würde mich kaum 2 Tage dauern. Jedoch, weniger als 5 Minuten nachdem das Gespräch endete, erhielt ich eine E-Mail, die mir 34,98 Euro für o2 blue Data l Flex in Rechnung stellte.
Ich stimme diesem Scheiß NICHT zu und zahle keinen einzigen Cent. Ich werde morgen als erstes einen Anwalt kontaktieren, um einen Betrugsfall zu melden, und meine Bank darüber informieren, dass diese Gebühr nicht erhoben wird. Jedes von Ihnen gesendete Gerät wird nicht geöffnet und wird auf Ihr Risiko und Ihre Verantwortung außerhalb des Hauses gelassen.
Please send me your customer number and your customer password in a PN. After thisI will cancel the surfstick.
I've no idea what is a PN.
My Account number: DE15113628
I do not have any customer password? is it the zugangspin?
I've spoken to my bank that any charges are not authorized (34.98 for the O2 Mobilfunkvertrag
O2 Blue Data L Flex) and that any charges should be considered as fraud.
My Account number: DE15113628
I do not have any customer password? is it the zugangspin?
I've spoken to my bank that any charges are not authorized (34.98 for the O2 Mobilfunkvertrag
O2 Blue Data L Flex) and that any charges should be considered as fraud.
Sorry Jivesh1 you have posted a screen shoot of your mein O2 account with phonenumber and you full name on it.
You have a customer password! And i would like to think you know it. You find out how to follow me, right from Folgen is Nachricht, just use it.
You have a customer password! And i would like to think you know it. You find out how to follow me, right from Folgen is Nachricht, just use it.
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