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i pay already my balance last febuary 28 2022 and i still have my balance and they take again money on my bank account €130 last march 4 2022 2 times i pay the €130 and niw i still balnce


Edit o2_Sven: Von Mobilfunk: Rechnung nach English o2 Community: Mobile verschoben

Hi @Lyn jackowski,
welcome to our community :blue_heart:
I'm glad you're reaching out to us with your concerns.

What is the payment method on your current invoice? Should the amount be transferred or have we announced that we will debit the invoice?

Kind regards

The first it was feb 28 2022 i was transfered online with this invoice number 136943XXX with my customers number 60658XXX.and the second last march 4 2022 they was making debit on my account.transaction type FOLGELASTSCHRIFT


Hello @Lyn jackowski,

Have you been helped in any other way or do you need further support?
Sorry for the late response, but our response time is always a little delayed.

Consecutive direct debit (Folgelastschrift) means that it is a continuous payment. It probably relates to your contract.

As I understand it, you transferred the outstanding amount manually at the end of February? If the subsequent direct debit was ultimately debited automatically at the beginning of March, then it will be the normal billing run, which will of course continue to debit on the normal dates.

Or am I missing some information here?

Kind regards
Jessica ☀️

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