I want to know when the order will be delivered cause i really need it for my work.
Tried speaking with someone through video chat but i havent found anyone that speaks english.
Order Number : XXXXXXXXXX
Edit o2_Lars: Please never post any personal information in a public forum.
Lösung von o2_Lars
Hello @Marperd and welcome to our o2 community :-)
If you order something from us, be it an DSL contract, a mobile tariff or a mobile phone you will be informed via e-mail about the current status of the order. If a delivery is planned to your address please make sure that your name is wirtten on the mail or your mailbox so any delivery reaches you.
Has maybe everything already been solved? Or are there still anyopen questions were we might help you with? :-)
Hello @Marperd and welcome to our o2 community :-)
If you order something from us, be it an DSL contract, a mobile tariff or a mobile phone you will be informed via e-mail about the current status of the order. If a delivery is planned to your address please make sure that your name is wirtten on the mail or your mailbox so any delivery reaches you.
Has maybe everything already been solved? Or are there still anyopen questions were we might help you with? :-)
Enter your E-mail address. We'll send you an e-mail with instructions to reset your password.
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