About 1 month ago o2 online, I bought an internet tariff called Jungle Leute XL 250 m/bit and I made my contract. Then my first technician appointment was on 06.03.2022 And a technician came from Vodafone, he arranged everything and everything is fine and I just wait for the Activation Date. He Said It Was Necessary And I Planned To Do It And I Started Waiting. My O2 Account Was Closed 2 Days After the Technician. I Have No Idea. Then I kept waiting and until my activation period (My Activation Period was 22.03.2022) 2 letters came, one was a copy of my contract, it was in my landline number and the other was a 4-digit code. but the customer number did not come, I talked to about 4 customer representatives, but I could not get a positive result from any of them, and then when I called the last 1 person, he told me that I had to register the mac ip address of the router and I did so. Everything Is Working Now But I don't have internet access And I don't have a customer number. After o2 contract, my o2 account was closed. and I just keep seeing the same screen so
Vodafone Active-Portal
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Hello @like1314,
welcome to our o2 Community
I am sorry to hear that you have problems with the aktivation of your internet connection. If you are still seeing the Vodafone page this indicates that the MAC adress of your router is wrong or still missing in our systems. Please call our English speaking hotline on 089-666630081 (Monday till Friday 10 am - 6 pm) and let them check the status of your MAC adress and/or make them register it.
Your internet connection should be working after a short time then.
Please let us know if you have any further questions.
Best regards
@o2_Giulia I shared the phone numbers 089-666630081 with 1 customer service before my activation and he told me that he registered the MAC address and that the internet would be activated after a little wait, but nothing like that happened, then I called again 2 days after my activation and gave my MAC address to a different customer representative and the room did the same. and it said it is registered. All the Connections in My Home Are Correct But I Still Have No Internet For about 3 days. If you want, send me a private message and I'll give you my information from there, and you send it to the customer representative, because naturally I am an employee and I don't have time to call.
Thanks For Supporting. :)
o2 After completing my contract, I could log in to o2 with the e-mail address in my contract. 2 days after the technician appointment, I started not being able to access my account and I received a letter from o2, I tried to register with the DSL-Kable Option with the landline number in that letter, but the Number was Unknown
Thanks For Supporting. :)
Hello @like1314,
I have sent you a private message for data exchange and will come back to you as soon as possible. Please have a look into your inbox
Best regards
I gave my information
Thanks For Supporting. :)
Hello @like1314,
Apparently the MAC address and the transmission to all relevant systems is the problem. I have contacted our activation team and asked them for a quick solution.
I will keep you updated as soon as I have new information.
Best regards
Is it a used Cabel Modem?
Could you tell us manufacturer and model of the cable modem?
Fritz!Box 6660 Cable
@like1314 from O2 a rent one?
Or you get it used?
it's a rent @schluej
Thanks @o2_Giulia Waiting For a News
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I wonder if there is still any progress because I have been without internet since 9 days
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Hello @like1314,
sorry this is taking so long. I have contactet the responsible department meanwhile and they hope to fix the problem by the beginning of next week. I will get back to them Monday/Tuesday and insist if the problem is still persisting.
I apologize for the inconvenience.
Best regards
first of all thank you for your reply but i am looking forward to get my problem solved on monday and tuesday.
Thanks For Supporting. :)
And during this waiting period, do I have to pay the bill for not using the internet until now? Or will my payment start when my internet comes back?
Thanks For Supporting. :)
Hello @like1314,
at the moment, your contract is not being billed, It will start only when the problem has been solved. Up to now I haven’t got any new information.
Best regards
@o2_Giulia I have exactly same problem here. I really don’t understand the quality of O2 service. I didn’t expect this kind of quality. There was no technician came to my place. Customer center keep saying that activation is correct. MAC registration also correct. Then what is your problem? Why my internet is not working!!!!
Hello @K_Dragon,
welcome to our o2 community
Normally no technician is required on site to activate a cable connection. If you have already contacted our technical support, hopefully the error will be found and fixed quickly.
When was your activation date? Do you have a rented router from us or is it another router (which model)?
Best regards
Hello again, I would like to write an article again to indicate that I do not want to wait any longer. My internet, which should have been active 14 days ago, is still inactive and I did what you said. I waited and waited, but realized that I was wasting time on something that couldn't be done. I don't want to bother you any more if this issue is not really going to be fixed. Terminate my contract directly. I'm starting to look into a different Internet Provider. I Want Information For The Last Time Because I Have To (But I Never Want To Finish It) And I May Have To Do It Since A Small Problem Couldn't Be Solved In This Long Time.
Thanks For Supporting. :)
Hello @like1314,
I am very sorry that the problem is still not solved. I will check back with the responsible department and inform you as soon as I receive feedback.
Best regards
Hello @like1314,
our responsible department has just informed me that the problem has been solved finally yesterday. I just wanted to ask if everything is working to your satisfaction now.
Please let me have your feedback, I will be taking care of a refund for the downtime then.
Best regards
@o2_Giulia Yes I Have Internet And Everything Is Working Correctly But Now I've Registered To Mein O2 It Asks For My Landline Number When I Login I Write The Landline Number But It Says The Number Is Not Known Everything Works Perfectly Except That
Thanks For Supporting. :)
Hello @like1314,
I have just checked, you have already registered for Mein o2, however with a (text) username instead of the landline number. This ist working as well for DSL contracts and it should be no problem for you to log in with the username and your password.
Your refund is already in progress, you will receive a confirmation by email as soon as possible.
Please let us know if you have any further questions.
Best regards
When I want to login to O2, it asks for my landline number and I get an error like this.
Thanks For Supporting. :)
@o2_Giulia When I type my username, it asks me to write the landline number next to it, but the number is unknown.
Enter your E-mail address. We'll send you an e-mail with instructions to reset your password.
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