Can anybody help how to resolve the issue?
When will I receive my internet at home?
Hello @Javedkhan2k2,
welcome to our o2 community 
The tariff o2 One Unlimited consists of (at least) two related contracts, DSL and mobile phone card. You should have received a contract summary via email for both contracts and confirm both.
If not, you will have to order the DSL part again. Have you contacted our customer support again in the meantime?
Best regards
Hi Julia,
Thanks for the explanation.
I ordered the DSL package again but unfortunately the order was rejected due to the negative credit check. The DSL package is included with the O2 one unlimited basic package the O2 team should not check it again because it is part of the package.
The O2 customer support told me that I will pay the 60 euro per month and I will not receive the DSL package at home.
In the last I terminated my contract but i still didn’t receive any confirmation.
Can you please advise what step I should take?
Hello @Javedkhan2k2,
I am sorry that your additional contracts were rejected. Our cancellation department has already received your cancellation request. It can take a few days until the SIM card will be deactivated.
Do you really want to cancel everything or should we try to order the DSL and the additional cards again for you?
In both cases we will surely find a solution.
Best regards