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Warum O2 Service

Kein DSL-Anschluss nach Umzug

Hi all,


I just moved from old apartment to new and there is no DSL connection here , TAE dose not at all.

 But there is the multimedia dose, which I remembered I have used in one of my previous apartments with Kabel and WiFi router. 
is O2 also supporting this?

If not, is it possible that I make the contract Kündigung early than the minimum run date? (It should be 30.01.2025, if the connection not supporting, I don’t want to pay the money for almost half a year)





Edit o2_Sven 10.08.2024/14:19: Moved from DSL, Kabel & Glasfaser to English o2 Community: Broadband & Landline

Lösung von o2_Sven

Hello @jennyxuxuxu ,

welcome to the o2 Community 💙.

Did you announce the move to us and was your contract moved to the new address? If no DSL is avaiable there, this should have come up as part of the move order. To come to the other part of your question, yes a connection by cable is technically possible.


Kind regards, Sven

Zur Antwort springen
War das hilfreich für dich?

  • 10. August 2024

Moin Moin,

changing your address is no reason to cancel your contract.

Please announce you Umzug to o2 via 

If O2 is unable to deliver you internet with the same speed than you are able to cancel the contract.

If the cable connection is form Vodafone than there is a good chance that O2 is able to deliver.

Normally you have to pay 50€ if you move to a ne address. O2 will not charge the costs is you renew the 24moth contract. So think about what is more worth for U. The shorter runtime a pay 50€ or not to pay 50€ and have a new 24 moth contract. 


Additionally Information you could find her:

  • Moderator
  • 10. August 2024

Hello @jennyxuxuxu ,

welcome to the o2 Community 💙.

Did you announce the move to us and was your contract moved to the new address? If no DSL is avaiable there, this should have come up as part of the move order. To come to the other part of your question, yes a connection by cable is technically possible.


Kind regards, Sven

yes I have called and asked for an express Umzug service. 
but how can I use cable to connect my FRITZ!Box 7590 router?

Edit o2_Kathi 10.08.24 Full quote removed

  • Team
  • 13. August 2024

Hallo @jennyxuxuxu,

du kannst deine FRITZ!Box 7590 mit einem Modem an den Kabelanschluss anschließen oder eine FRITZ!Box 6660 oder 6690 über uns mieten oder selbst besorgen. Hier ist der Link, wie man die FRITZ!Box 7490 an ein Modem anschließt.

Liebe Grüße, Maren 🌼

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