@Kafle Cable or DSL? What router you exactly use? Own router or rented from o2? If own, new or used one?
I use Cable connection, the router is Fritzbox 6660 from o2 itself.
Hi @Kafle thank you very much for your first post in ur community, please feel welcome. 
How is it working now? Have you contacted the customer support in the meantime? How is the actual status?
Thanks Joe Doe for your support.
No, it’s not working. Yes, i called customer support various times, every time they say is our technical team is looking behind it but no results yet. getting frustated with this. Please can you help me in this regards.
Could somebody look into my problem, it is frustating that everyday i am calling and the problem is still there. What is wrong with you guys.
Hello @Kafle ,
when a ticket is openend for you our technicians are already working on the issue.
It can take several days to fix the issue, so right now I can only ask for your patience.
You will get a information via sms or email when the issue is fixed.
I am sure our colleagues will find a good solution.
Keep us posted here if you want to. 
Best regards,
I have same problem.
I upgrade my internet DSL connection to cable.
Activation occurred on 04.Oct.
Now I have no DSL or Cable connection. I also called customer support, many times, I reset modem, I gave my mac address from modem and still is not working.
They did a "reset", still not working. I use Cable connection, the router is Fritzbox 6660, in a 3 (drei dose). One is for TV-antena dose, is working, one for "cable" no working and radio
I have also tickets opens, but even if I check the ticket status still the same, on review..dfk!!
I'm surviving with mobile internet.
Any idea how to fix this?
Thanks everyone!!
@UtaMAdre is the Fritzbox 6660 a rented device from o2?
Mmm is new, paying monthly for it.
Mmm is new, paying monthly for it.
@UtaMAdre It is from o2 send? Correct? (Important!)
Since what day is the ticket open?
Yes is from o2, is part of the package.
I reported this problem on the 14th October. Today they decided to create the tickets.
@UtaMAdre I think the power LED is flashing? (no cable synchronization)
That's correct, is just blinking
@UtaMAdre A technician has to go out. There is probably a lock installed in the house distribution.
Dear @UtaMAdre ,
welcome to our communty. 
I am sorry for the problems with your cable connection. 
I can see in the technician ticket, that an appointment has been agreed with you. Is that correct?
Thanks to @Joe Doe for your support.
Kind regards,