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Warum O2

In my account I see an offer for Home L internet which I am currently using. It still asks me for one time connection which we already that 2 years. When I objected it I have receved new offer with different price. Yet at the end it was the almost same amout. I really do not understand, which position you are putting us? I have also tried to contact call center etc yet non reachable.


Edit by o2_Katja: Moved to our english community

In my account I see an offer for Home L internet 

What you see there is an offer for o2 mobile customers who are ordering an o2 DSL connection/o2 myHome contract for the first time. It is not an offer for a tariff change/contract extension for an existing o2 DSL connection. 

Hi @Esener,

I would agree with the explaination of @blablup.
Do you see the offer at your Mein o2 Account or when you open our website


You may see my offer on mein O2 portal. I objected ”Home L “ because of 24,99€x24+ 69,99€ Anschlusspreis. Why would I pay again anschiluss preis where I am already your customer. Then you offered me “Home L” as 27,99€  where (24,99*24+69,99€) / 24months = 27,906 €. So you are giving me same offer in a different shape. What do you expect us to think ? In which postion you are really putting us?



Again, this is not a contract extension but a new connection. If you want to extend your existing contract you cannot do this online.

Hi @Esener ,


@bs0 is correct. We’ll gladly take a look at your contract and create an offer for the extension, If you’d like.

The other way would be the hotline, which may take a few tries to get through, depending on the time of the day.

Best regards,


I undertand your all of your points and I am pretty sure my points have been understood. I am already in contact with other firm yet I would like hear also from your side. Please call me through my mobile which is registered in your system


Hi @Esener ,


we’re not able to call you back, I’m afraid. If you’re interested, we’d first contact you via personal message to clarify the details. We’d then take a look at whats is possible and send you an E-Mail with the offer and all necessary details, After you’ve got all the information, you can decide if you want to take the offer. Please let us know, if you want to continue - we’ll then start by open up the PN-Channel.

Best regards,

Hi again,
Ok personal message would work as well.

Hi @Esener ,


great! My co-workers, the experts for conrtact extensions, will get in touch with you as soon as they can :hugging:

Best regards,


Next week , my 14days with the firm is fullfulling and I will off to holiday as well. Therefore if I can hear the offer from 02 before that might work

Hi @Esener,

for the data exchange I have just written you a private message from our @o2_VVL User.


Hello @Esener , 

thank you for your private message.

You want an offer for your o2 My Home L correct?

Do you need a router for rent or do you have already one?

Best regards, 



Offer for Home L would be okay which I do use also currently

Hello @Esener , 

you have again a private message from us for the tariff details.

See you there!

Best regards


Hello @Esener ,

so far you have not replied to the PN. How did you like the offer of my colleague?

Best regards Maria

First of thanks you for you interest and asking again. Yes I did received the offer yet is like the same perspective which I have indicate in my first message. Since it would not be ethical I will not share the offer you proposed me yet what I compared it with 24,99x 24+69 one time payment and still I did not see the difference that (this time might be slightly different)

Therefore thank you for your offer and message, I will be accepting and still behind my first message with that offer



I am on vacation and will be back on Germany next week. Today I learnt that as O2 you are not allowing to move my network to other supplier. The reason was said that as my mobile number as partner card. When I was purchasing parnter card contract I had already given my kundigung and specificaly ask whether would it be problem or not, Can you please explain and support 


Dear @Esener ,

I don't quite understand what exactly your problem is.
I will therefore explain the facts. Maybe you can explain to me again what exactly you mean.
Your DSL contract expires on 09.01. because you cancelled it and your mobile phone contract will continue until autumn 2023 because you signed the contract last autumn. Of course, you have to fulfil the contract term of 24 months, otherwise you would have had to book a flex contract that can be terminated monthly.
As the DSL contract will soon be cancelled, you will no longer be entitled to the combination discount, as you will only have one contract with us and will then have to pay the full fees for the contract.
Of course, you can take your landline number with you to another provider once the contract has expired.

Kind regards,


Hi Andrea,

Thank you for your detail e-mail and explanation, you made some points very clear. To express myself you may find explation below. I have done my contract kundigung earlier than my mobile partner card tariff and I have specifically asked and indicated during my purchase. I told O2 shop in Neu-Isenburg that I have already done my kundigung and ask would it be problem for 02 or me now or in the future. And it has been indicated that that would not cause any difference and problem.

So currently it looks we do not have much option and I really would like to proceed and solve this as soons as possible without affecting my home office and comfort zone. 

Therefore I would like to acceot the offer you proposed me, please lets proceed if possible without interuption of my internet connection. Yet please take note of my experience with O2 shop and explanation.


Dear @Esener ,

thank you for your private message and your answer here.

It's nice that you want to extend your contract after all. However, we probably have a problem because your DSL tariff will be deactivated in a few days. With DSL, it is not possible to stop a deactivation in such a short time and before the weekend. Since the upstream service provider is always involved, it takes much longer than with mobile telephony. I have written to my colleagues to see if there is anything we can do. I'll try my best to help you.
Kind regards,

Dear @Esener ,

the deactivation of the DSL order has now been cancelled, I hope it works. I will send you the offer as soon as possible.

Kind regards,


Dear Andrea,

Thank you for your interest and quick pro-active intervene, that helps me a lot currently. I would be waiting contract


Dear @Esener ,

the deactivation was cancelled and I was now able to send you the offer.
If you would like to accept the offer, please confirm the offer on the landing page that I sent you by email, you can look at it very carefully and then confirm it. Only when you have confirmed it there, the order will be executed for you. After 8 days, the order will be automatically deleted if you do not accept it.
In accordance with the Transparency Ordinance, I would like to refer you to our product information sheets, which you can download at . There you will find all the product details. There you will find all product details listed again (without discounts).

Kind regards,


Hi Andrea,

Just after my message i have received the offered, I also accepted it after checking it.


Hi Andrea,

I have recevied the document which indicates my contracat would start 31.01.2022. Yet I do have internet connection currently after short cut. To be honest I do need connection without break, i think it has been arranged as well. Would you please tell me the current , January 2022, tariff scope/price etc

Since I do already have connection from 02 It would not be problem to activation of new contract


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