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Warum O2


I moved abroad 10th of January 2022 and followed the instructions given in the following link to cancel my contract:

I.e., I contacted you three months before moving, sent proof of moving abroad (letter from employer + deregistration certificate) and returned my O2 router which I got a confirmation letter that you have received. I was told that my contact would be cancelled but a small fee for deregistration would be imposed which I was okay with. However, it has been over a month since I moved (almost 2) and I am still receiving my regular month bills. I was told my contact would end on January 10th 2022 as I gave appropriate notice, however this seems not to be the case. What more should I do to cancel the contract?


Thank you and best regards.

Hello @kregular ,

did you receive a letter of confirmation concerning the cancellation of your contract?

If you still have access to your “mein o2” belonging to the DSL contract, you could also check the bills, since these are always rendered retrospectively, the last bill you received might have just been for the time frame until the 10th of January.


Kind regards, Sven

Hi Sven,

Thanks for the reply. 

When I sent the initial letter 3 months ago I did not receive any reply, however when I sent the modem back together with the deregistration certificate I got a confirmation of receipt. I still have access to “my o2” and according to that my contract is “gekündigt”. However, it also said this last month and I am still getting billed. I just checked and the last bill was from 18.01.2022 - 17.02.2022. 

Best regards

Hello @kregular,

I have checked your contract, it is still ongoing and cancelled only by the regular end of the contract, September 23rd, 2022. We have not received the copy of your deregistation. Have you sent it in the package together with the router?

Anyway, please sent it again to Telefónica Germany GmbH & Co. OHG, Kundenbetreuung, 90345 Nürnberg or via Fax to + 49 1805571766. I will contact our cancellation department and ask for a cancellation by the next possible date.

I will inform you as soon as I have received a reply from the cancellation dept.

Best regards




Yes, I put the deregistration certificate in the same box as the router, perhaps this was wrong. However, before that I sent an official letter from my new employer confirming I would work abroad from 2022 to the address in Nürnberg.
I will send a new copy of the deregistration letter to the address you posted.

Thank you for the help.

Best regards



Hello @kregular,

we will have to wait until your deregistration has arrived, our cancellation department will terminate the contract only then. I will check this again in the next days.

Best regards


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