I ordered a DSL internet service (no period limit) online in Feburary 2022. The contract has been activated from 01 March, 2022. Owing to unclear reasons, I cannot receive the router. I received the email to notify the shipment of the router, but I cannot receive it. The postman reported that I may have moved out and I received a letter from KVR to confirm my residence.
I have tried to solve the problem through Customer service many times, and I also asked my German colleague to contact the Customer service, however, all attempts have failed. It has wasted a lot of my time, and I just want to cancel the contract as soon as possible.
Please tell me the detailed process to cancel the contract.
Edit o2_Lars: Zu bestehenden Beitrag verschoben.
The o2 my Home offers do not include a router. If you have problems receiving DHL packages, e.g. because your name was not attached to the bell plate and mailbox, you can simply buy a VDSL router at retail.
With respect to a cancellation, the terms of the contract are as follows:
Laufzeit / Kündigung
Verträge ohne vereinbarte Mindestlaufzeit laufen auf unbestimmte Zeit und
können jederzeit mit einer Frist von 1 Monat gekündigt werden.
Verträge mit einer vereinbarten Mindestlaufzeit können mit einer Frist von 1 Monat zum Ende der Mindestlaufzeit gekündigt werden. Erfolgt keine fristgerechte Kündigung, verlängert sich der Vertrag nach Ablauf der Mindestlaufzeit automatisch auf unbestimmte Zeit und kann dann jederzeit mit einer Frist vom 1 Monat gekündigt werden.
This means that if you have a contract with a minimum term of 24 months, you can only terminate this contract with effect to the end of these 2 years.
Edit o2_Lars: Zu bestehenden Beitrag verschoben.
Hello @rensheng, welcome to our o2 community :-)
I merged your twi threads into one so we all will have a better overview over answers and questions :-)
Sorry to hear there seemed to be issues with sending a router to your address. Were you maybe already in touch with our customer service to find a solution for this? :-)
Hallo o2 community,
I want to end my DSL contract since i am moving out from this place.
I spoke with customer service , they sent me a link as stated below.
Now i am trying to cancel from online portal but my portal is temporarily not functioning due to technical reasons.
I need to do Cancelling via priority notice, since my contract is a monthly based contract and not a fixed term contract of one year or two years.
So please assist me in which way can i complete this process online.
I am unable to find set priority notice on mein o2 app as well
Hello @Apex predator ,
welcome to the o2 Community
It sounds like the main hurdle for you at the moment is that you don’t have access to the “mein o2” for your contract. Have you registered it here: https://login.o2online.de/idm/#/registrieren/festnetz-nummer
Without that you won’t be able to set the prioritynotice to cancel the contract afterwards.
Kind regards, Sven