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Guten Tag,

Seit 6 Wochen haben wir unregelmäßig DSL Störungen. Manchmal es kann nicht sync mehr als 5 Minuten für dem ganzen Tag. Andere Zeiten, es bricht für 15-30 Minuten ab, normalweise ein mal pro Tag. O2 hat ein ersatz HomeBox 6741 geschickt. Ein Telekom Techniker hat auch gekommen, er hat ein Telefonsteckdose ersetzt. Aber er könntet kein Problem wirklich finden. Nur kleine "geswindigkeit drosselung". Natürlich der Problem geht noch immer.

Hat jemand das selbe erlebt? Was können wir tun? Mein Partner spricht gut Deutsch und hat vielen mal mit O2 gesprochen. Er ist jetzt im Ausland und meine Deutsch ist nicht gut genug zu Telefonspräche haben. (Englisch ist meiner Müttersprache, danke für Ihr Verständnis)



Edit - Wenn O2 Kollegen dies lesen, unserer Ticketnummer ist xxxxxxxx

*Kundendaten entfernt / o2_Dennis*

Moin Moin,

if the internet is interrupt:

  • what is the DSL LED doing
  • what is the Internet LED doing
Are you working with a LAN Cable or with WiFi?
Hi @schluej,

Thank you for your questions! I wish it were something simple like that! 🙂 I'm an IT expert, so I recognise when the DSL loses sync, instead of WLAN problem or similar. To answer: the Internet and Telefon lights go out and the DSL light blinks until it is able to re-sync.


Than we should wait for @o2_DSL the admins could take a look on the port.

They should be able to see how often the sync get lost.

So please be patient.🖖
Hello @Odaeus,

as far as I can see you already opened a trouble ticket with our technical DSL departement on the 21st of June. We were in touch with the local provider and as of now the line looks stable to me.

The trouble ticket is not closed, we are still having a look into this.

As soon as a trouble ticket is opened, all necessary stepswill be taken to ensure that the connection is working as intended.


Hi @o2_Lars,

Thank you so much for looking into it! 🙇🏻

I did not realise the ticket was still open, but I see there are two tickets. 7544516 is closed. 7563892 says "Wir haben Ihre Störungsmeldung erhalten und ein Ticket erstellt." but it was after the Telekom Technician visited, so I thought it was a mistake!

The line is sadly still unstable, I have recorded loss of sync at these times:










I also found an old modem that reports DSL stats to test the line, it reported:

SNR 13.4 / 6.2 dB

Attenuation 8.4 / 6.1 dB

FEC 10 / 57 (over a few minutes)

CRC 0 / 0

I think those values are within normal range though.

So the technical department are still monitoring the connection and I should wait for an update?

Thanks again,

Hello @Odaeus,

as of today, the trouble ticket has been closed. The connection is stable since saturday morning and showed no signs if instability or disconnects. It seems to me like the connection is back in the state that it should be :-)



Thank you @o2_Lars, yes the Verbindungzeit timer on the router got up to a new record of 20 hours yesterday! It reset overnight, but that's normal. Fingers crossed it keeps working!
Hello @Odaeus und thanks for the feedback. I am sure the conection will stay stable now :-)


Hello again,

I'm afraid the problem is not fixed. 😟

I am currently without DSL connection since 35 minutes, with the same symptoms as before. It keeps re-syncing and disconnecting. I am using my mobile hotspot.

I have plugged a phone into the TER port on the router and there is no dial tone. I hear 3 beeps that repeats. I believe the problem is therefore at the exchange.

Please could you advise on what I should do next @o2_Lars?

Best regards,

Hi @Odaeus,

sorry to hear that you have disconnects and problems again :-/

If the connection keeps dropping und stays unstable I an unfortunately only recommend to call our technical DSL service so they can have a look into this again... :-/


I eventually found the Live-Chat option and was able to talk in German to the DSL technical department yesterday. A new ticket has been opened. But today I'm so unhappy, they are going to send a new DSL router again! I used the Live-Chat again to ask for the new router to be cancelled, and explained we already have a new one, and that it is clearly not a router problem. The customer service person was rude and refused to accept that we have already replaced the router and all cables. 8 weeks of intermittent connection and they are restarting back at square one! It is unbelievable ☹️
Oh no... :-(

If theconnection keeps disconneting even after a technician fixed something there is a possibility that something is wrong with the router even if it already has been swapped some weegs ago. So it is at least worth a try to see if changing the router does help. If not, please contact our technical DSL service again.

Please excuse any inconveniences... :-/


Thank you @o2_Lars, the problem is the technician (from Telekom I guess) did not fix anything. He could not find a real problem, only that the speed was a little reduced. The DSL connection works 100% ok when it has sync. Then it loses sync and cannot re-sync for 10 minutes up to hours. I think it more likely the DSLAM is kaputt! It is a shame I cannot get any data from the Homebox on SNR or an event log.

Schöne Feierabend,

Hello @Odaeus,

the connection looks stable once again. As far as I can see a new router is on its way to you, please use the new router and send back the old one, you can do this free of charge with our DSL logistics portal.

It is possible that there were some errors elsewhere that were monitored and fixed again.


Hi @o2_Lars,

Thank you once again for monitoring the situation and for that helpful link!

The connection has been stable for 72 hours now, but several days of stability have happened before so I doubt the underlying problem is fixed. But 🤞🏻

Best regards,


I installed the new router yesterday, it seems to have issues, because I came home to find 4 of the LEDs blinking in a strange sequence 😯 and was unable to connect to the WLAN. It returned to normal after restarting it.

Then at 21:30 our normal problem returned - DSL loses sync, re-syncs for 1 or 2 minutes and then loses sync again. This has been happening for 50 minutes now (I am using my phone hotspot).

If I speak to the DSL Technical service tomorrow they will send a Telekom technician. The technician will find no problem because there is a very small chance it is disrupted when they come. They will report it as fixed and this will continue. 🙁

Any advice on resolving this situation would be most welcome. 🙇🏻

Best regards,

Hi @Odaeus,

a new ticket has been opened for you and I can see that the technician has been informed to especially look for sync losses and have a look at the cables and connection and also the VDSL port. I am sure that this issue will be fixed soon and the connection will stay stable as it should :-)



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