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Warum O2

I am using O2-Blue All in M 



I want to terminate my contract so that in a time the contract ends, it will not be extended. 

What should i do now?

thank you. 

Write a letter to:

Telefónica Germany GmbH & Co. OHG


90345 Nürnberg

Or send a fax:

01805 - 571766

any specific fomat for letter? or pdf file from O2 itself? 

Hello az.ihsan,

no, there is no specific form which you need to use.

You can just write a cancellation by yourself with all the needed information: your personal data, the account number of the contract and the phone number, and the concern to cancel it of course. ☺️

The only important thing is that the notice period is 3 months before the runtime end!

Kind regards,

Jessica ☺️

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