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I sent the documents to cancel my contract:

Filled out form

Copy of residence registration (with expiration date on it)

Copy of my foreign passport

Copy of the visa so you can see that it expires

Copy of my plane tickets to return to my country

Even though I sent all of these, I got an email asking for more documents.

I will return to my country and live at a place that is not under my name, but under my partner's.

I need to leave this ready before I return to my country.

Could anyone help me with this?

Thank you!
Hi gbmaleja,

I see the notice in your account, that we had send you an e-mail with the information yesterday. Do you have still questions here?


Yes, the email asks for a de-registration, which I do not need to do because

my registration has an expiry date that coincides with the limit day of my permission to be here in Germany.

Thank you!
Hi @gbmaleja,

I'm not sure if the department in question will accept the expiration date on your visa as a deregistration notice. I'd assume you'll get a notification from the Stadtamt about you being deregistered at your German place of residence?

That would be the best document to send in, otherwise you may ask them again if they accept your documents for an early termination of your contract.

I have also sent you a direct message via our o2_support account regarding this matter.

Best regards,


I do not understand why this has to be so complicated.

I was by the Rathaus and they told me I cannot deregister so far in advance. I can only do so a couple of days before I actually leave. You ask me for a certificate of this. I have sent you my registration document that actually expires in a couple of months.

I have to close my bank account before I leave Germany, which means then you would not be able to get the amount of the penalty that I am willingly waiting for you to take out of my account.

You also make it almost impossible to communicate with you since in order to solve a problem that should matter to you, one must pay to call.

I have provided you far more information than you asked in order to terminate my contract and literally cannot provide what you ask.

What you ask is inconsistent with the paperwork someone who comes to Germany for a short period of time has to deal with.

I would like to pay you what you ask and therefore solve this problem before I leave.

Is it possible?

Thank you!
Hello @gbmaleja,

to deactivate a contract that has a runtime of 24 months to an earlier date we need the documents we asked for.

After we recieve this document the contract will be deactivated as soon as poossible and we will deduct an additional three months base fee.

You also have the posiibility to transfer this money to us, you will find our bank data on every invoice, if you chose to do so please use your customer number as the reason for the transfer.



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