I've sent a Kündigung in autumn 2017 and it has been successfully applied - my phone shows "No Service" at the moment. But I've just realised that I want to keep my number when I switch to another provider. If it matters I want to switch to Vodafone. Is it possible to keep the number? If yes then how should I pay those 30 EUR for number transfer?
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Hi ivan.chirkov,
if you want to keep your phone number and use it in the future at your new provider, you simply can ask him for the number porting. The number portability can be ordered up to 90 days after the deactivation of the contract. After the successful completion of the porting you will receive an invoice for the porting fee of 29,95 euro.
Best wishes,
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if you want to keep your phone number and use it in the future at your new provider, you simply can ask him for the number porting. The number portability can be ordered up to 90 days after the deactivation of the contract. After the successful completion of the porting you will receive an invoice for the porting fee of 29,95 euro.
Best wishes,
Jetzt endlos surfen mit dem o2 Free! | Lesenswerte Tipps, Apps und mehr | Teste neue Smartphones
Thank you very much, Sanna! It is good to know that I have 90 days:) I have another question regarding number porting procedure: Vodafone site says that I should inform my current number provider ("Informieren Sie Ihren jetzigen Mobilfunk-Anbieter, dass Sie Ihre Handy-Nummer zu uns mitnehmen möchten.", Hilfe | Anbieterwechsel - Bestellen). Do I need to make some formal inquiry or in my case it is enough that my contract has ended?
Thank you again!
Thank you again!
You don’t have to tell o2 that you want to take your phone number to Vodafone, because your contract is switched off already. That's the job of your new provider and Vodafone can accomplish by asking o2 for the number porting.
Best wishes,
Jetzt endlos surfen mit dem o2 Free! | Lesenswerte Tipps, Apps und mehr | Teste neue Smartphones
or in my case it is enough that my contract has ended?Yes, it's enough.
Best wishes,
Jetzt endlos surfen mit dem o2 Free! | Lesenswerte Tipps, Apps und mehr | Teste neue Smartphones
Thank you, Sanna! You've been very helpful!
That pleases me. If you have further questions, feel free to contact us here. 

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