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To whom it may concern,

I left Germany in mid-December 2018. I told the Wiesbaden, Hessen, Germany store I was leaving and they took my military orders telling me to leave and my information and stated I'm good to go.

It is July 2019 and I'm still getting emails saying I owe monthly charges. Below is the most recent email:

Guten Tag Herr Guillermo,

Ihre aktuelle Rechnung liegt ab sofort in Ihrem persönlichen Servicebereich Mein o2 für Sie bereit.

Zum Abrufen der Rechnung loggen Sie sich einfach mit Ihrer Rufnummer/Ihrem Benutzernamen und Ihrem Kennwort ein.

Ihr Konto weist einen Rückstand auf. Bitte überweisen Sie den offenen Betrag in Höhe von 156,94 bis zum 18.07.2019 unter Angabe der Kundennummer 6040163019 auf unser Konto bei der UniCredit Bank - HypoVereinsbank (BIC HYVEDEMMXXX), IBAN DE16 7002 0270 0005 7131 53. Vielen Dank!

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Ihr o2 Team


Thank you for your help!
Hi @Random12345,

thank you for joining our community. I have checked your concern. You stated the military order and the cancellation request to your landlord. But we are missing a proof you left Germany for good. The order says Baltimore as your new destination so do you have a flight ticket or something showing you arrived there? It is not a mistrust in your intention to leave. We just have to make sure you don't take the order as a pretext for an early cancelation. So my colleagues sent a letter by email to ask for a document. As long as we haven't got it the contract was cancelled ordinarily to September 2019. Up to this date the basic charge continues.

I hope the shop assistant told you despite the fact of an early cancellation we charge three basic charges in advance. So even if we stop the contract with immediate effect there are three basic charges left to pay. All the other month we are going to credit by the day we receive the proof of leaving the country.

So please send a fax to 01805-571766 to finish the process.

KR Manga


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