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Warum O2

Ich habe O2 DSL abonniert und warte derzeit auf das Aktivierungsdatum und den Technikerbesuch.

Leider können Ihre Daten aufgrund technischer Probleme derzeit nicht geladen werden. Bitte versuchen Sie es zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt erneut. "

Ich habe auch die O2-App ausprobiert, aber es gab mir einen Fehler beim Laden der Daten.

Entschuldigung Wenn dies bereits im Forum beantwortet wird, konnte ich einen Fall finden, in dem es war, aber mit meinen begrenzten Deutschkenntnissen.

Diejenigen, die ich gefunden habe, zeigten auf eine Antwort über das Zurücksetzen des Routers auf Werkseinstellungen oder so.


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Original text:


I subscribed to O2 DSL and I'm currently waiting for the activation date and technician visit.

Unfortunately, due to technical problems your data can not be loaded at the moment. Please try again at a later date. "

I also tried the O2 app but it gave me an error about not loading the data.

Apologies If this is already answered in the forums, I was able to find a instances where it was, but with my limited German skills.

The ones I found pointed to answer about resetting the router to factory settings or something.

Hello there!

The pending activation might be the cause of this message.

Since it is only the pre-activation account which is affected, I´d say that this is because of the upcoming changes.

Please register your number after the activation in order to gain access to the full Mein-o2 Portal.

If the activation is not imminent (i.e. not withing the next few days) please let us know.

Viele Grüße,

Thanks for your answer. Sorry I just found that the English text is messed up in my original post and a few sentences I wrote went missing. (The browser does that to English text when I have it set to translate the text on the page to English)

I'll wait for the activation on Friday and see if it works then.

Hi A.Cato,

did it work? Can you access your "Mein o2" area via portal or app now? 🙂

Best regards,


Thanks for following up!

Unfortunately, it hasn't worked yet. It still gives the same error message.

I also tried to register again as a DSL customer using my fixed line number but it somehow doesn't recognize it.

I dug up the community threads and I think I came across an answer that said that the systems are not synchronized and it could take a few days after the activation date for the number to be accepted, so I keep checking every day...

But at least my Internet works, so that's good. 🙂
Ah okay, you don't have any issues with the internet connection and phone? Thats good. Right now the tariff is waiting for activation. After the acitivation you should be able to login into your customer account. ☺️
There's one thing I don't fully understand.

Do I need to register as a DSL customer again after the activation? (i.e. is the initial account only valid for tracking the status of the DSL order?)

If that's the case, I'm getting the below error message when I enter the landline number (I tried in different formats e.g. with and without the area code, with and without leading zeros... etc.)

"Ihre Rufnummer ist unbekannt, bitte prüfen Sie Ihre Rufnummer. Alternativ können Sie Sich auch direkt über den o2 Anschluss registrieren."

If that's not the case, then, my account is still not working, giving the error message:


Aufgrund technischer Probleme können Ihre Daten derzeit leider nicht geladen werden. Bitte versuchen Sie es zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt erneut."

Hi A.Cato,

in some cases DSL is already working, but the activation of the tariff will take place later, that's why you getting those error messages.

When the tariff has been activated, you can register here:

> "Ich bin DSL-Kunde" (I'm a DSL customer) > Festnetznummer (your landline number) > your personal identification number (4 digits) ....

Best regards,


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