Warum O2

To-do list for hacked accounts | What can I do?

  • 28 April 2024
  • 1 Antwort
  • 74 Aufrufe

Benutzerebene 7

Hello to the English community!

Since more and more accounts are being hacked and identity theft is being committed, I thought I'd list what you can do about it.

This usually happens through phishing text messages that pretend to be O₂ and, as an example, the text message says: “Your phone number will be deactivated” and you should enter your data via a link to prevent this. And then it's already happened and they have your data. Please be careful when you enter your data and check beforehand whether it is the right page where you are entering it.

If you are affected, please be sure to open a separate post so that your request is not lost.

To-do list for hacked accounts

  1. Please take screenshots of all unwanted changes in your account
  2. Change the password for MyO₂ immediately
  3. Check whether your e-mail address and contact details have been changed
  4. Call the English hotline at: 089 66 66 30 08 1 and inform them
  5. If a hardware was bought and the shipment cannot be stopped, see if you can request a return shipment from DHL or a redirection to a branch is possible.
  6. Press charges at the Police Station
  7. Please provide a written challenge to the contract, so that you have something in writing. I would do this by letter. Here is the form for Identity misuse
  8. And change your personal customer number PCN | PKK here. Also possible via the hotline
  9. Reset all passwords, including those for your email accounts, online banking, etc., and check stored email addresses and contacts to see if anything has changed.
  10. You can check for identity leaks by entering the email address in the Identity Leak-Checker
  11. Please provide O₂ the police file number
  12. Please contact O₂ customer service to set up a reminder block until all questions regarding the orders have been clarified

You can use the contact form to send information to O2 and upload files | screenshots.

I am keeping my fingers crossed for you that you have not suffered so much damage.

Best regards,


Cover image from © ICS

Last topic: Die Burg Hohenrechberg

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