Warum O2

I got a new contract (freenet) recently, but I want to keep my old mobile number!

  • 18 April 2024
  • 1 Antwort
  • 18 Aufrufe

Well I have a prepaid o2 simcard (old) and now I got a new contract from Freenet service on a different o2 number. I have attempted to contact both Freenet customer service for guidance on this, despite of my efforts, I have been unable to proceed with porting process. 


o2_Giulia, 18.04.2024, 14:02: verschoben von Austausch rund um die O₂ Community zu English O₂ Community: Mobile

1 Antwort

Hello @Nats_06 ,

while Freenet might be using our network infrastructure, we have nothing to do with their contracts itself. As such we can’t really tell you or say anything about their processes. Important for a porting would be that the number that you want to be ported has been released, so that this can work.


Kind regards, Sven

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