Warum O2

NordVPN no longer works Fritzbox 6660

  • 3 February 2024
  • 9 Antworten
  • 179 Aufrufe

Benutzerebene 1

Hello Everyone, 

I just moved and my FRITZ!Box 6660 initially could not connect to the internet because my MAC Adresse was improperly processed. After a few emails with the o2 community (Joe Doe and an o2 moderator), I was able to gain connection. However, the Telefonie number was then having issues, so the o2 community once again, helped me to fix it. I reset to factory settings and it worked. 

Now, it seems my NordVPN no longer works. It didn’t give me issues before I moved, and I was able to connect to my VPN and watch Netflix, shop online, with no problems. After my move , I can’t open any websites at all when I turn on my VPN. Did anyone else have this problem, and how did you fix it? 

I can’t even connect to O2 websites when the VPN is on. It only happens on our laptops. I can still use VPN on my IPhone. 


9 Antworten

Hello @phmk23 ,

on first glance I’d guess that maybe some manner of configuration of the VPN might be required after you changed your connection, it might also be some manner of change that needs to be made with the router itself. Maybe you can recall what you did when you first started using the VPN?


Kind regards, Sven

Benutzerebene 7
Abzeichen +5

@phmk23 Hi again. 😉
What BS is on your Laptops? IPv6 active at your devices?

Benutzerebene 1

Hi @o2_Sven I didn’t do anything when I started using the VPN. I just tried to connect to it like I usually do, but this time, it didn’t work. Is there something in the router that could be blocking it?

​​​@Joe Doe hi again. What does BS mean? 



Benutzerebene 7
Abzeichen +5

@phmk23 Sorry German. 😗
BS Betriebssystem, OS Operating System?

Benutzerebene 1

 @Joe Doe Ah I see. Now I know how to say OS in German. :) 
One of the laptops is Windows 11, 64 bit operating system . It isn’t connected to Ethernet, or local connection, but it is connected to Wi-Fi (below screenshot) . The other one is Mac OS Monterey. I am not as familiar with Macs, but it’s the same problem. Prior to the move, it worked fine, but now it doesn’t connect to any websites once VPN is on. I hope this helps! 


Benutzerebene 7
Abzeichen +5

@phmk23 You're not the only one with this problem at the moment. (Posting 2 days old) Could it be that NorthVPN is having problems? To be honest, I have no idea at the moment, as IPv6 is also active on your devices.

Automatical portwarding is active in the Fritzbox?


(Use Google translate)

Benutzerebene 1

Hi @Joe Doe 

I did a little digging and it looks like NordVPN has three ways to connect. Nordlynx, TCP and UDP. 

My VPN was automatically connecting to Nordlynx, and according to NordVPN’s website, it is recommended to use this, along with “Wireguard”. 

I saw that my FRITZ!Box has an option to use Wireguard, but it is too complicated for me to understand it. 

I ended up switching my VPN connection to TCP and it is now connecting to websites for both my Windows 11 and the MacOS. I hope I did something right. 

Thanks for your help! 

Benutzerebene 7
Abzeichen +5

@phmk23 Wireguard is easy to setup, if you really routing your complete traffic from your Fritzbox over VPN. But i recommend to use a VPN client at the devices so you can easy turn on/off the VPN connection.



Hello @phmk23 

That is great that your laptops can connect to websites again via VPN.

Thanks also to the helpful answers from John Doe.



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