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Warum O2 Service

O2 HomeSpot is simply catastrofical. I have highest package which promises speed 100mbs but I can't even load my email on that I have been using it for one and half month but I have enough already I always told myself to give it one more chance but its terrible I don't understand how you can sell such a shit. I tryed to put simcard into my phone to measure speed to see if there is no problem with router and it was even worse the best I could get was like 2mbs of speed my simcard from Slovakia is way faster and its from different country tell me how is it possible? I want to cancel it immediately and here I send you picture of usuall speed of the service which is not even working not even close to the promises. Package is supposed to cost 35euros and they want to charge me 65 for some reason. You are not going to see a cent from me because you haven't delivered working product.. 


edit o2_Solveig: verschoben von Prepaid→ English o2 Community: Mobile

Hello @Waocaseki ,

first of all welcome to the o2 Community :blue_heart: .

If you are having problems with your reception, there are several factors that are important. First is the positioning of the HomeSpot itself, is it standing next to a window and as open and unobstructed as possible. Then of course there is the actual signal itself, you can always check this for your address via the LiveCheck. If you do this you will see that issues for your address have already been reported. Your slovakian SIM is going to be using roaming and as such will also use the infrastructure of other providers, that’s why it isn’t affected in the same way as the HomeSpot.

As for the money, I’d urge you to reread the bill that you have received as well as the contract itself. While the monthly fee consists of 34,99€ for the contract, you also have additional costs to pay for the activation of the contract. This is why your first bill is higher.

Kind regards, Sven

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