Since I don’t speak german, I have called English Hotline service to extend my contract as it was about to expire in June plus I asked to get DSL at the same time. I always accept my calls to be recorded just in case something goes wrong I have proof.
The lady gave me an offer and she said I will send it now via email please approve, I approved as I assumed she knew what she was doing ( she has only one job and it’s not rocket science)
Few days later I received a SIM card, I thought it’s part of DSL plan as you get 2 postpaid sim card free of charge. so of course I ignored the mail as I don’t need it.
few weeks later I received the invoice 106euro although in the past I used to pay between 9- 11, I thought maybe this include the one time payment which is around 70euro.
Few weeks later, I received a call from the Salesperson O2 Germany asking me if I want to extend my contract, I explained that I already did that. and he said no you didn’t, you have another contract with us.
at that moment I went to invoice details, it was 2 phone plans + DSL, and within 2 days I received new invoice 86 Euro. I tried to call again the Hotline, the Answer :
- Yes Madame, we understand your frustration but nothing we can do. you extended 14 days cancellation and nothing we can do.
I was trying to explain that this is not my fault and this is YOUR fault, I called English hotline because I assumed that miscommunication could happen with my broken german. plus my calls was recorded, I demand to get full access to my data as part of data protection regulation GDPR , if I opt-in that means I have the right to the full access to my data including my recording.
the answer
- Madame, we can’t do that
I have tried to go the store, they were super helpful but he said the contract was created by hotline I cannot change that. they need to do it.
I called hotline again, what is the solution I can’t loose my phone number, I receive clients calls. I will be in troubles.
the solution is you do porting, other than that we can’t do anything, meanwhile honestly I throw the SIM card as I don’t need it, can I have another one, sure we will send it. the hotline person didn’t explain that I need to pay additional 30Euro, again against german low. few days later I received another invoice with 30euro on top ,Total of 86Euro just keep in mind that I used to pay between 9 and 11 euro. I explained that the previous person didn’t mention that it will cost 30 euro. well as good will we will do refund.
Few days later, my phone number was expired luckily I canceled my contract , therefore I need to change SIM card to the NEW one. I did that, both SIM cards don’t work, I did some research and seems like you need to activate it on MeinO2 Space, I have tried to login is not working. I called the hotline again. this is the situation can you help me with logging in the Answer “ Madame you don’t hava any account in O2” at that moment this phone number is not registered in Mein 02, I asked which phone number that you are talking, he mentioned 3rd phone number, at that moment I requested to get in touch 2nd level support or his tea lead. “Madame we can’t do that” I still wander to whom they report, there’s no company on earth have team without manager or team lead. then he hang up on me. so disrespectful, I called again maybe I will get lucky with decent person who know his job, no success, the same response , you don’t have an account, but I logged in the past I logged in few days ago how come I don’t have an account. they don’t know. and then he mentioned 3rd phone number and h said you still have the chance to cancel the plan, I replied , “ can you please tell me when the contract is created ? the reply 24/06/2020, I replied: sir I canceled this contract and I called the number to confirm the cancellation, how on earth is still active. Reply : I don’t know but I will cancel it for you.
So I took myself to store to try to see what contract under my name in their system: 2 contract Unlimited which will be canceled 24/06/2022
Another one 2024
and DSL
in my overview the contract that should be cancelled on 24/06/2022 will be cancelled 22/07/2022.
and another Boost M or L will be terminated in 2024.
and DSL.
at the moment I cannot use internet on my phone, I cannot login to MEino2 to see what I have.
Hopefully I will not have to pay for another month, if that will be the case.
Thank you