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Es ist wieder Dienstag. Es ist spät, aber nie zu spät für den Community Wochenrückblick, daher mache ich in dieser Ausgabe einfach mal eine Late Night Special Edition. :blush:


Ist es nicht romantisch am Abend bei Kerzenlicht seine Liebe zu gestehen? Eben! So ging es auch @Jochen Stierle, denn Max, oder genauer gesagt: Unlimited Max steht ihm seit einem Jahr treu zur Seite. Grenzenlose Liebe. Selbst wenn das WLAN irgendwann empört die Koffer packen und ausziehen würde - Max ist immer da und lässt ihn nicht im Stich. :blue_heart::relaxed:

Nicht weniger romantisch sind eure schönen Gärten und Pflanzen unter der Aufsicht von @o2_Katja  - unser professionellen Gartenbeobachterin. Ich kann nicht aus meiner Haut, daher ist mir zuerst der Grill bei MichaAnja aufgefallen, der bestimmt ganz viele leckere Burger machen kann. :smirk: 

Ebenfalls verschollen (wie die Burger) ist auch unsere Bestenliste…..oder sagen wir mal….umgestaltet worden. @Omikron, du kannst wieder durchatmen, alles in Ordnung. :wink:


Selten erwähnt und doch nie vergessen: WIR HABEN TESTGERÄTE! No Shit Sherlock! :nerd:

Getestet wurde auch wieder fleissig, z.B. das Samsung Galaxy S21+ von @FlashBox, natürlich mit Video. :metal:

Auch @MXP-Heiko hat sich eines Smartphones angenommen und fragt sich, ob das Pixel 4a für 369 Euro UVP ausreicht?! Empfehlung oder nicht? Erfahrt ihr im Testbericht.

@Mimichen  hat auch keine halben Sachen gemacht und sich gleich mal das Xiaomi Redmi Note 8T und Xiaomi Mi Smart Band 4 gekrallt. Dankeschön für die tollen Testberichte! :heart_eyes:


Hatte ich eigentlich schon erwähnt, dass wir Testgeräte haben? Ich glaube nicht, daher zur Sicherheit: JA!

Gleich mal schauen, was uns @o2_Ines  & @o2_Steffen dieses Mal vor die Tür gelegt haben:



A special thanks goes to: @ukguy  for the amazing support. :sunglasses:

We have an english community in our forums, but a community isn’t a lonely server somewhere in the world, it’s you, the people who helping others with tutorials, infos, stories, reviews and much more. If you’re feeling lost, this could be your place to get some help without fighting alone through german paperworks. :flag_gb:



Thank you! :relaxed:


Das war’s auch schon für diesen Dienstag. Nächste Woche sollte euch wieder Tageslicht-Version zur Verfügung stehen. :wink:  Habt ihr etwas Spannendes erlebt? Teilt es gerne mit uns in den Kommentaren.

@Sächsinguck’ mal, dieses mal stimmt sogar das Jahr im Titelbild. :smile:


Wochenrückblick verpasst?  :fearful:  :arrow_right:KLICK

Titelbild: o2_Michi

@o2_Michi Du hast mich vergessen zu erwähnen. :grin: Aber es sei Dir verziehen, weil Du @ukguy ordentlich erwähnt hast. 👍

@Joe Doe 


Oh shit, dieses mal habe ich RICHTIG verkackt und den Meister vergessen. :persevere:

Danke für's erwähnen @o2_Michi 👍

Und ja Testgeräte habt ihr immer richtig tolle !!!!

Viele Grüße 

Danke dir @FlashBox :thumbsup:


Wenn wir schon dabei sind: ein großes Danke von mir an @andante für die Wochenrückblick-Treue. :hugging:

Ich danke euch @o2_Michi 

Der Wochenrückblick ist neben der super Information - ich kann leider nicht alles im Forum lesen - auch  super lustig geschrieben 😊

Mittlerweile lauere ich schon und freue mich auf Dienstag 😘

@andante Nicht nur Du lauerst. :shark::shark::grin:

Ich danke euch @o2_Michi 

Der Wochenrückblick ist neben der super Information - ich kann leider nicht alles im Forum lesen - auch  super lustig geschrieben 😊

Mittlerweile lauere ich schon und freue mich auf Dienstag 😘


Danke, das freut mich sehr. :blush::heart_eyes:


Ich kann/darf ja nicht anders - siehste ja, ich habe immer @Joe Doe den ollen Stalker im Nacken. :fearful::relaxed:

@o2_Michi  Hi Michi Thanks for the shout out. :clap: Happy to help where I can.

Its good you mentioned the “ English Community” The Community is quite active at the moment. The German paperwork gives us problems :nerd:

Ich finde es gut, dass Sie die "Englische Gemeinschaft" erwähnt haben. Der deutsche Papierkram bereitet uns Probleme :cloud_lightning:

Hey @ukguy,


you’re welcome. And yes, we germans probably mastered paperworks...did I mention taxes? :joy:

But, a problem shared is maybe a problem halved, that’s why we’re always happy to help as good as we can and of course that we have people like you who are helping, too. :punch::relaxed:

Hey @ukguy,


you’re welcome. And yes, we germans probably mastered paperworks...did I mention taxes? :joy:

But, a problem shared is maybe a problem halved, that’s why we’re always happy to help as good as we can and of course that we have people like you who are helping, too. :punch::relaxed:

o2_Michi Oh When I first came to Germany the paperwork was overwhelming.:sunglasses: One example I married a German national. My birth  country is UK. I had massive paper work issues. The Germans even wanted paper from the UK which I had to pay for the translation ! Expensive ! Then came the German tax, very, very complex:sob: as I am taxed in the UK too. Germany must have the most complex system, here’s me thinking the English tax system was annoying . Lucky Germans knows more about solving paper work then I do. 

 This community is one of the most important things I like about O2 .


The English community helps those who has difficulties with the German language on the more technical level. Perhaps some of you would like to help out in the English community.


 I send you and the community nice greetings .

Hi @ukguy,


when I studied economics one of my lecturers said that 80% of the worldwide literature about taxes comes from germany. For me personally it’s just annoying and often unnecessary so….heres my money Mr. Tax Advisor. :smile:


 This community is one of the most important things I like about O2 .


Same here. :relaxed:  And I’m not writing this because I’m working here, personally I like the aspect to break some kind of barrier between customers and big companies, because it’s not companies and customers (or shouldn’t be just this relationship), but people who need help and people who can help, that simple. That’s why we also have test devices, our “digital living-room” and some other stuff. And of course we like people who have a similar mindset, so we can unravel the mysteries of the german form- and tax maze together. :grin: I think the more we can break this mentioned barrier, everyone will benefit.




Hi @ukguy,


When I studied economics one of my lecturers said that 80% of the worldwide literature about taxes comes from Germany. For me personally it's just annoying and often unnecessary so....heres my money Mr. Tax Advisor. :smile:


 This community is one of the most important things I like about O2 .


Same here. And I'm not writing this because I'm working here, personally I like the aspect to break some kind of barrier between customers and big companies, because it's not companies and customers (or shouldn't be just this relationship), but people who need help and people who can help, that simple. That's why we also have test devices, our "digital living-room" and some other stuff. And of course we like people who have a similar mindset, so we can unravel the mysteries of the german form- and tax maze together. I think the more we can break this mentioned barrier, everyone will benefit.:relaxed::grin:




Its interesting that Germans have to resort to using a tax adviser because tax is complex.:upside_down:

Michi you have an advantage by studying economics . Perfect for German finance.

Germany like other EU countries has big corporations such as banks, e commerce insurance and so on. 99% of these are not approachable by the normal customer, often the customer is let down, complaints ignored, unfriendly customer support. Customers are not valued as a customer, loyalty counts for nothing ! Back in the past things where different. in the UK we say " the customer is king " no more ! Through people like you and the O2 community in general things are improving. Sometime O2 fails customer's due to problems with commination, culture, technical problems with Cell Towers (which takes far to long repair) and the language barrier. O2 is making great ways forward. The only problem I have with O2 is the " Robot " customer telephone. The bot does not understand my badly spoken German and I have given up trying by phone. At one time my wife had to " rescue " me to speak to someone on the phone. I feel O2 needs to make the telephone more friendly and usable ,. Not just for English but also Germans.

At the end of the day I agree O2 and the customer benefits by having a positive relationship.:thumbsup:

 I think O2 should make customer satisfaction question to find the weak spot on the company.

All the best.


Its interesting that Germans have to resort to using a tax adviser because tax is complex.:upside_down:



Well, the main reason is I’m a lazy bum. :joy:


Germany like other EU countries has big corporations such as banks, e commerce insurance and so on. 99% of these are not approachable by the normal customer, often the customer is let down, complaints ignored, unfriendly customer support. Customers are not valued as a customer, loyalty counts for nothing ! Back in the past things where different. in the UK we say " the customer is king " no more ! Through people like you and the O2 community in general things are improving. Sometime O2 fails customer's due to problems with commination, culture, technical problems with Cell Towers (which takes far to long repair) and the language barrier. O2 is making great ways forward. The only problem I have with O2 is the " Robot " customer telephone. The bot does not understand my badly spoken German and I have given up trying by phone. At one time my wife had to " rescue " me to speak to someone on the phone. I feel O2 needs to make the telephone more friendly and usable ,. Not just for English but also Germans.

At the end of the day I agree O2 and the customer benefits by having a positive relationship.:thumbsup:



Unfortunately many of the issues existing due to a given workflow or external cicumstances, for example the cell towers, where a permission to setup a cell tower (hello again bureaucracy :weary: ) is mandatory and can take weeks/month. On the other side theres always room for improvement, but the customers perception is of course (rightly) “i feel ignored”, “not valued” etc. For me, the best way is to simply communicate, it’s the first step. Speak about problems, that exist in reality, don’t ignore feedback, don’t say everything’s fine when it’s not. For us in the community this is always the first thing to respect the customer, like you said the customer is king or btw. in german “Der Kunde ist König”. 


 I think O2 should make customer satisfaction question to find the weak spot on the company.


We do, and it’s a constant learning process. For the community we setup a feedback area a few month ago, where everyone can participate in the improvement in the customers “Mein o2” (my o2) Account. We also have online workshops with our community experts to improve order processes on the customers view etc. There’s a lot going on and we’re always happy to include the people who are using all the stuff: the customers. There is a huge difference between now and ten years ago. Back then you just called the hotline, someone told you something and that’s it. Today, with social media, all people can use their (public) communities and within seconds you can see if a company sucks or not. Okay, maybe bad for some companies, but overall also a huge possibility to show if your’re actually care as a company. :wink:

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