Warum O2

Left Germany and cancelled my contract - Now I got an new automatically sent new tariff

  • 18 February 2024
  • 3 Antworten
  • 32 Aufrufe

I left Germany for good a month ago and cancelled all my contracts with all the required documents.

Today, I got a new automated email saying that I now have a new tariff that I will have to pay for. Since o2 prides itself of not having any customer service for it’s users, I thought I would write here and see if anyone here can assist. 


What should I do here? Should I go straight to the laywers and let them deal with it, or should I just use this forum here to communicate?


I would have sent an email, but naturally o2 doesn’t have one to contact them with. As I now live in Thailand and calling to o2 to sit in queue for 45min at a cost of 10€ per minute + whatever scam rate o2 has to call them at all isn’t something I would do. 


Looking forward to your reply. 

Edit o2_Cora 18.02.24: Post moved from → O₂ Mobilfunk: Vertrag & Tarife


Lösung von o2_Flo 18 February 2024, 12:35

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3 Antworten

Hey @No longer living in Germany,

Welcome to the o2 Community. 💙

Nice of you to get in touch with us. I've just had a look and can't see any active contracts. 

Did you have several contracts before you moved abroad?



I had one for 5g hotspot at home, and one for my phone. The phone numbers in my new email doesn’t match the phone numbers that I had before I left Germany. 


these are the numbers that is in the email:

Ihre Telefonnummern

Handynummer: XXXXXXX826

Festnetznummer: XXXXXXX905


Edit o2_Cora 18.02.24: Phone numbers removed

Hey @No longer living in Germany,

Please do not share any personal data publicly. You can send the customer numbers to @o2_Support.

Please write here again so that I get a notification.


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